Staying Focused is Not Always Easy, But What Does Being Focused Look Like? Don’t Miss Out This Post....

in #focus6 years ago (edited)

Hello Steemians how are you all.

All who accompany me on this blog know pretty much what is my objective here. I’m trying to find the maximum amount of good people with noble intents, and help them learn through some anecdotes and stories, help them change the mindset into positivity.

But today I would like to talk about a very important point, something necessary for you regardless of what goals you have or what’s your profession.

I am of course talking about how we focus on things.

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I would like to reiterate that everything I share on here are personal experiences and not just opinions, I am fully aware there are many ways to achieve goals, different routes, in other words, I’m not the owner of absolute truth, but I’m sharing my own truths and to some these experiences might serve as a north star, to you or maybe to someone you know personally.

To share these ideas is to spread good will, and if someone reads these posts and criticises them, it's probably because they know a lot about the subject and I can respect that, but sometimes the comments are not constructive, but the opposite. I would say to these people that it’s fine, they should take care of their blogs and realize that I’m simply doing my best here. I also don’t understand what is the goal they may have.

And as I’m writing about them, I’m thinking that they are a good example of people who are losing their focus.

Being focused goes hand to hand with the idea of self help. Many books are written about this, but there is a big difference between reading about a subject and implementing what you have learned.

I can tell you that it took me more than ten years to begin to understand for a fact what it meant to be focused, and I thought I was, but the truth is I wasn’t.

To remain focused is not simple, but I will try to sum it up in the best way that I can.

These days I work 16 to 17 hours per day to all the projects I’m dedicated to. My companies, my artistic career, and my investments, and think about the fact that I still set time aside to write on this blog.

But then, how do you self assess if you are really focused?

1 - You have to have a plan with fixed dates in your mind you must hit. Only then you will begin to see if you are using your time wisely.

2 - Pay attention to your daily activities and you will discover you lose a lot of time with distractions that push you away from your goal.

3 - Reaming focus requires sacrifices, you have to stop watching the TV shows you like for example. Can you prioritize fun over building a future? The answer is no.

To expand on this, I’ve trained thousands of adults over the years and I quickly discovered many of them can act like children. They want to eat cake before having the real meal, and I always found this really funny. We have to ask ourselves, do we have authority over ourselves? Do we have power of will?

4 - Plan ways to break the bad habits

Once you start to set target dates, you have to set yourself up to reprogram the mind too. It’s like setting up a countdown to a better you and you don’t count along you will get distracted right away.

5 - Once you are focused, be ready to put in a lot of work, a lot of hours to achieve those goals.

I asked plenty of people on this blog how many hours they work and I was stunned to see the responses. On average eight hours per day. Eight hours per day is very little and please don’t misunderstand me, I’m not saying people should work seventeen like I do, but I think twelve is a reasonable number, if you don’t work hard you are just kidding yourself really.

On top of that I’m talking twelve hours of complete focus. Not watching TV too, but actually working on something with intent. This of course may not apply to being an employee, since jobs don’t usually require a lot of focus, but that’s not what I’m talking about of course.

Now let's suppose that you have a job that takes 6 hours a day from you, and you get 4-5 hours to dedicate to a project to edifice yourself. In that case, the 4-5 hours should be done with complete focus.

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To end this post, I wanted to list two instances that are clear examples of ways people get distracted.

1 - An instance in life when you are holding up a camera, and you got a perfect shot, but all of the sudden a noise distracts you and you lose the opportunity, the unique chance to take that picture.

2 - A soldier, a sniper: Think about this, he can’t get distracted for not even a second, because his job is to protect his comrades, and he could mess it all up if he was to lose focus.
You have to be the snipers of your lives, and you will surely realize when all of the sudden you’ve mastered being focused, because you will begin to achieve your goals.

Remember: I would be grateful if you understood the importance of resteem these posts to build a community with a positive mindset. This is my greatest goal here and you who accompany me know! This is my greatest truth and I do with my heart. Many of these information that are useful to you may be important to other people who need information for your personal growth and that is the most important thing to achieve any goal in your life and remember: Give a upvote between you who take the time to comment and discuss constructively. This has happened here and I am very glad to see you helping each other.

A Big Hug to Everyone



Dear @chbartist sir!
I agree with your words completely. Maintaining focus on the goal is not always easy, because in this period there are other activities and necessary tasks that have to be completed in the working time itself.In order to carry out any action plan, we should make a daily schedule of at least 12 to 14 hours per day and work accordingly.If unnecessary division works, then waste a lot of time for unnecessary work. Give priority to your goal, work as much time as you need to understandThe timetable and salary of government employees is fixed. It is not as important for them to work more than a target, but for the private sector entrepreneurs it is necessary to work 12 plus hours. Otherwise, they tend to fall behind the target.To focus on the goal requires action-like soldiers, which are far from destruction because they have the responsibility of protecting their companions. I became fan of your motivating positive thoughts and thanks for sharing your personal experience with us.

Many thanks for your kind words. Actually this post is a bit difficult for some people to understand. I am just trying to show them that there is a change in the world and we have to prepare for them because the end of jobs is closer than most people realize. What I want to say is that regardless of the person's condition it is impossible that she can not only spend an extra hour a day to get out of this circle of slavery. There is only one difference between people's Mindset. Some make excuses and others make it happen! Regards

Yes, it's really hard to focus and most of the time it drains your energy. But as you anticipate for your horse to come, you can't just be relaxed. Thanks for the points of how to be focused.

Hi friend, you understood exactly the message including interlinking this with that of the white horse. I wish you the best.

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I just want to add that yes it is important to work hard and long hours, but those hours can be very futile if you don't get anything done. You may be working hours on end, but if you can't achieve your goal then you've wasted time and I that's where "the focus" you mentioned comes in.

I don't think you can actually quantify hard work, it varies based on a person, their skillset and their actual goals.

Exactly my friend, it's not about how many hours you work but how do you optimize those hours. I know sometimes it's hard for people to understand this but there have been many days in my life sitting in my chair in my office and with my feet on the table for 8, 10 hours thinking to review many points to be corrected. This is also work and people need to reprogram themselves in relation to what I call Mindset. Those who want to have a better future have to work more with their heads and not with their arms. This is the change of the world and there is no escape. Regards

For which I totally agree upon 🙏🏽

Posted using Partiko iOS

Hi @chbartist usp about your posts is that you write whatever you experienced not based on theoretical knowledge. Life experiences are the best examples to learn and avoid same or similar problems in our life. As this post is about focus then I personally believe that if i am have focus on something then i don't calculation the number of hours i work for. I give my maximum and the best possible to make it happen as early as possible. This is my own way of working which others may not like or agree and I am okay with it. Everyone has has his own way of working and goals. Have a great weekend friend.

Posted using Partiko Android

Exactly friend, but important to read again the most important points, in your case I realize that you could concentrate more if you are using your time properly and without distractions. Regards

I can see there is a lot of distraction in the comment section of this blog, but nevertheless, it is actually an opportunity to practice staying focused on the content you bring to this platform.
I will encourage you to continue with your content, with time the chaff will be blown away by the wind and the seeds will remain

Thank you, friend, continue on the positive path and we will build thousands of people on this blog helping each other. I know we can do this together. Regards @gowealth

Es verdaderamente un placer poder leerte @chbartist se notan tus convicciones como ser humano, es magnifico darse cuenta de que no todo esta perdido en este mundo un tanto egoísta, gracias a aquellas personas que no ven mas allá de sus propios intereses. El éxito de todo aquello que hagamos en nuestra vida, depende de cada pizca de impulso que nos brinde nuestra convicción, y de esas personas que nos llenan de inspiración con sus acciones o palabras... pero al fin al cabo inspiración.

Muchas gracias por sus palabras y espero que mis artículos puedan hacer una diferencia no sólo en su vida más en la de todos que pueda compartir estas enseñanzas. Yo realmente doy mi mejor para ustedes. ¡Puede creer! Saludos

Focus is only way to the success!!!

Posted using Partiko Android

@chbartist do focusing to become successful. This always works to achieve success

Focus Is a Sine-qua -non to stave off Distractions Which Could jeopardize Vision Results. But Most often , People Get Distracted Because of The Need To Satisfy Compulsory Needs , like Sourcing For Adequate Food For The Family; Very Much More So , in The Less Developed Societies of Latin America And Africa.

What Would @chbartist advise such to do???

Hi Friend, focusing on finding food can't be considered distraction. Concentrate only if you are using your time 100% effectively. Think about it daily and you will begin to have the exact perception about it. Regards

Thanks !! The Advise is Appreciated!!