Roses has been trusted as a skin care product used long ago by the Greeks. These roses are applied to various rituals of their body care such as rose petals used to soak and extract to remove essential oils that are mixed into their cosmetic product formula and skin care products.
Here is the efficacy of roses for the health and beauty of your skin.
1.Antibacterial: A strong rose essential oil is used to treat acne on the skin. Antibacterial properties contained in it will kill the germs that cause acne on the skin.
2. Anti-inflammatory: Rose oil will also work effectively to minimize and soothe redness of the skin.
3. Antioxidants: Roses are rich in high vitamin C content. As we know, vitamin C can protect the skin as well as improve the condition of damaged skin. For those of you who like to sunbathe on the beach, apply rose water to the skin to provide a soothing sensation on sunburned skin.
4. Moisturate: Natural oils contained in roses will always keep your skin moist. Especially if you have sensitive skin conditions. Rosette-based care products will be perfect for you.
5. Relaxing effect: A soft rose aroma will help you relax your body and mind. Therefore, some beauty products make a rose variant on its products. 
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#Regards🙏 Alma Olso