beautiful flower when Ied Mubarak
Good night steemian friends!how are you?i hope you and your family enjoy this life,and always happy and healthy everywhere.

I'll update my post after a few days I did not post anything on my blog, but this time I've found material for my latest article.
this beautiful yellow flower I found when my brother bersilaturahmi when Lebaran, where at that time Muslims mutually bermaaf-sorry for on that day Muslims are given forgiveness by the creator of the universe, back to the flower, this very beautiful flower when I photographed it when morning when the flower is still fresh.
this yellow flower very illustrates kecerian, very fitting with the moment Eid where everyone rejoiced to celebrate the victory of Muslims.
I do not know for sure the interest of this flower, but when I see it I feel calm and a little tranquility in my heart, and the joy that emanated on my face, because the color of this flower is very supportive to help our emotions.