Observation orchid flowers in mountain forests burni kelieten aceh
A variety of shapes, colors, and sizes with unique features are the main attraction of orchids. Color flowers ranging from brightly colored to a dark color bias can be found. The size of the flowers were varied, ranging from very small to large. Flower shape is also very unique.

This orchid I get in one of the mountain that is mountain burni kelieten aceh.
Orchids are known as beautiful flowering ornamental plants, for example Calanthe sp., Paphiopedilum sp., Phalaenopsis and Vanda hookeriana. Because of its enormous potential, the orchid plant is highly prospective to develop. Moreover, the most widespread distribution area in the tropics

The sprinkling of orchid plants, determined by climate factor and maintenance factor. Climate factors include temperature, light, and humidity. Which includes the maintenance factor that is fertilizing and watering. The orchid plants to be cultivated should be chosen or soured from good orchid seeds so as not to be disappointed after being planted while how to grow orchids preferably in pots or in more epiphytic trees, especially how to care for orchids is the key to success...

Orchid is an ornamental plant in the form of a beautiful flower parasite. Orchid has been known since 200 years ago and since last 50 years began to be cultivated widely in Indonesia. Orchid flowers have a unique beauty and smell. Therefore, the main benefits of ornamental plants. In addition, orchids can also be used as a mixture of medicinal herbs, perfume / hair oil....

The fruit is a green capsule and when it is cooked it dries and opens from the side. The seeds are very small and light, so easily carried by the wind. This orchid seed is the same as the other orchids that have no food storage network and even embryo has not reached perfect maturity. New germination occurs when the seed falls on the appropriate medium and continues its development until maturity...

By @alandcosta
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