Forced awake ... very very slowly !

in #flouride7 years ago

I see a lot of people waking up to the multi layered deceptions that have kept them confused and deluded for over 17 years #iseedeadpeople

Many are taking too long flip flopping because they can't see what they could possibly do to change things having realised the extent of the deceptions. #whatthefuckanyonedo

Many do know what to do and are busy doing it by shining s light into the dark recesses where the plots are hatched in secret by mind controlled slaves. #revealingtheirsecrets

For those that are unsure still, you need to work out HOW it would be possible. #criticalthinking

Image(02).jpgIts not too big. Its easy. Just look at how poison is added to water in the USA. Why would they do that to themselves? Identify the individuals and groups. Its not the USA. Its not the American people. It's a specific set of people who are bribing their way through a compartmentalised system #lazycorruptpoliticians to achieve an aim that they know could not be achieved openly. They are backed by mainstream media who show the objective alternatively. #itsallalieyes

No American wants poison in their water ... but they have it #flourideistoxic ... by law and signed authority. To reverse it they have to go through the system, find the source law and get it overturned #breakthesystem so the worker adding the bags of poison can have it removed as part of his job duties at least. Its the same everywhere and often no one knows how something could have been approved that kills or harms them. This is how. Small groups of skilled mind control experts using nlp and trauma and media stories convince or bribe or threaten or blackmail or remove a key individual to get the signatures and approval they want. The rest of you #zombiesallaround need to do what you can ... yes actually DO, SAY, WRITE and generally stand up to injustice and lies and ignorance in every way.
A doctor are you? How many years of intense indoctrination is that? Can you wake up from that? Yes you can. Reveal them. #poisonforyourbaby continue to learn. Trust yourself not your indoctrination.
You work at the council do you. Wake up. Help the people and challenge the injustice that YOU can see, all the way and talk about the injustice. You'll find the blockage points where it's all coming from. Reveal them and they will be vanquished.
Unemployed because you were always woke? Rejected the system and now can't do anything? Yes you can. Go camping. Learn survival. Grow food. Travel. Nothing tying you down is there? Take news from place to place. Pictures. Messages of support. Songs. Go on.

Just don't sit still and don't separate yourself from each other. #dowhatyoucan We are each others humanities and support. Be Awake.