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RE: Wikipedia Removes Earth Curvature Chart From All Pages 😦
Yea I read your comment correctly I was asking you for an IMAGE of the earth not a CGI composite.
I'm not debating this with some sock account with no posts.
The composites are reproductions of an original, The original is a real photograph. How is this not getting through to you?
My account is six months older than yours, but if you want to call it a sock as an excuse not to properly respond, go ahead.
I like socks.
But I like bare feet in flip flops too.
Just reading the threads and all the comments folks.
don't throw stones at me. I am just looking for both sides of the coin or hemispheres. What ever the case may be.
Either way I know NASA is a Puppet Show and the arrogance of humans will never let us actually fold time.
Just my two STEEMS Worth.

Thanks for stopping by much love!
My 2 cents worth is, I refused to believe it's flat until someone said, "Flat Earth is found in the Bible", so I had a second look for about 18 months of daily research, including everyone's experiments worldwide to disprove it, and it turns out, it's FLAT! :))))
Wow!! Isn't it funny how many who claim to be of the christian faith are still laughing at the thought flat earth even though it's a flat earth book just like all the other holy texts.
Once you go flat you can't go back :P
Why would anyone need reproductions of the original?
I don't know, maybe because the original was taken in 1972 and people wanted a shiny modern version? Does it matter?