
nice one einar!
what happened to coming to the uk convention?
it would have been great to meet you. peace :-)

Hey Darren! I had rough times! But I'm back now, full force ahead. As soon as I raise the budget, I'll be all over the world and pay you a visit for the documentary!

the trailer looks amazing bro, really engaging (like the series was.)

i'll look forward to it - glad to hear you're rocking and rolling. peace :-)

Dude, you can just book a holiday to Antarctica and the south pole. Its magical over New years! And you can watch the sun never set.

Have you been?

Antarctica trips are highly expensive, controlled, & restricted.

U can watch the sun never set in Alaska as well. Doesn’t prove anything other than the observers confirmation bias.

Science should always encourage skepticism, critical thinking, & expirementation to remove all doubt. If we are spinning 1000mph on a curved surface there should be some real factual evidence to confirm it everywhere on the supposed spinning ball. Not just on the most exclusive heavily guarded & least explored continent we are aware of.

So seeing the sun never setting in Antarctica with your own eyes is the result of bias? lolz. Whew, that was lucky! Otherwise someone might think it was a proof of the earth's shape and motion...because what happens in Antarctica cannot happen on a flat earth.


But our heliocentric model explains this supposed anomaly with grace and style points.

You can prove that the earth is not flat with the sun circling above it very easily any day of the week and anywhere on earth. Go outside and mark sunrise and sunset positions. Then mark the noon day sun position. You can then connect all three positions with a straight line. The apparent motion of the sun is a straight line. The sun travels in a straight line no matter where you watch it. If the sun was circling above us on a flat earth, its path would be a half circle with a different path depending on where you were observing. We never see this because the earth is not a flat plate with the sun circling above it.

The night time paths of all celestial bodies proves we are on a spinning ball rotating once per day. For the same reasons that the sun does.

Why is it you knuckleheads can simply dismiss proof because it is inconvenient for you?

P.S "heavily guarded" hehehe...40,000 tourists visited Antarctica last year.
