Flat Earth Is Real! - The Confessions Of A New Age Physicist

in #flatearth7 years ago

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This story has been passed to me on the proviso I keep the method of how I obtained the story a secret. Whilst I do not know the identity of the person in the following story, I have seen highly credible evidence in order to corroborate his claims.

In short his claims are, that the earth is indeed flat, and not only are NASA and every other space agency on earth complicit in a huge global cover up, but so are our main universities, and many many more trusted institutions.

I think he chose me because he knows I'm a highly critical sceptic, and he felt that his story would have more weight coming from a denier.

In some parts I use text and dialogue he sent me regarding this phenomenal story, and in others I use email transcripts between us which I believe are so fantastic they deserve to be in the story. I have also decided not to use any pictures as I don't want to detract away from the story, which is the most important thing here.

I have edited some of the grammar and punctuation in the main text, whilst trying to keep his voice; however the emails I have copy and pasted directly, with the full permission of "Steve".

"Steve" (obviously not his real name) has promised me that my life will not be in danger as we have gone to great lengths to make sure that I do not know his direct identity, nor do I know his whereabouts. I do not even know which locations in the story have been changed for either mine, or his own protection.

Should any agency want to see my transcripts with Steve, I have been advised by him to hand them over immediately, as he is sure this will exonerate me of any wrongdoing, and prove my above statements regarding Steve's real identity or current whereabouts.

Uncle Joe

I know what you're thinking, another crackpot flat-earther what the hell do these people want, why do they believe this shit? I know you're thinking it because that's the sort of thing I used to think. Well till that fateful day all those years ago when a world that I didn't think could exist started to reveal itself to me.

For want of a better name you can call me Steve. I was brought up in an unremarkable part of an unremarkable city. I grew up as an only child even though I had a sister she was much older than me and went to live with my dad when I was just six.

I was like any other kid I played I fought I kissed girls I laughed I cried. Nothing special really. From a really early age I had an interest in science.

I think it was my uncle Joe - he was my dad's brother I think he felt all the guilt for him. He was the one who came over to take me to ball games. Joe was great Joe was dad, but not dad - I loved him and I owe him a lot. Including - like I said - my love of science.

Uncle Joe must have bought me about a hundred different science kits between the ages of 7 and 14. Most of the time they were pretty crappy, but sometimes they were amazing and I got to do really fun experiments.

Like I said most of these things were crappy, they had various (non-toxic) powders litmus paper and cheap test tubes and vials; with terrible experiments written out for you to follow.

Joe liked to try and see if we could come up with something better - he hated the fact that the powders were so safe. He used to tell me about chemistry kits from when he was a kid - Joe would get the idea into my head that we could make a deadly poison or acid that could eat through to the earth's core.

As I got older we tried more serious stuff, I remember one time we managed to find an old vintage chem set from ebay. Joe never told me how much it cost, but years later I looked up the name of the set and I saw people online selling incomplete and damaged sets for the equivalent of way over a thousand dollars.

I'd love to tell you the name of the chem set I'm talking about here Cg I know from reading some of your stuff you are really into sciencey geeky stuff, but I think any detective worth his salt would be able to work out my location and the approximate age of Uncle Joe and therefore my approximate age.


I think the best thing we ever made was this robot thing which blended physics and chemistry beautifully. It was made out of tin and had the same sort of gears you'd find in a music box. I can't remember if it came with them or the chemicals we used were a mixture from mine and Joe's hoarding. But anyway we filled the legs with our mixed powder and added water.

The reactive ingredients reacted with the water which released loads of gas, as the gas vented through the seams of the tin, it caused the robot to walk in a way I still find spooky and cool today when I think back on it.

Catch Me If You Can

Hi Cg, thanks for your kind words in your email last Tuesday - sorry I haven't been in touch - I've had to change location again, I'm not sure if they know I have been talking but they just need to find me. I've been off-grid for 7 months now and that sort of thing raises alarm bells.

Anyway I wanted to ask you about revealing my love of the film Catch Me If You Can - what do you think? - I think it's OK the film is about 15 years old. It will be obvious from the rest of the story that I watched it before I was 20 but that is pretty broad don't you think? I wanted to aks because I think it's important to the story. Anyway let me know.



When I first saw the film Catch Me If You Can with Leonardo Dicaprio I knew I wanted to be a pilot. I mean I didn't want to defraud an airline or pretend to be a pilot. But I understood about how Frank had found the life glamorous.

Anyway I didn't know how to become a pilot and nobody I knew or had ever met knew how to be a pilot. I just thought you had to be lucky enough to be a pilot's son or maybe join the air force.

So I just carried on being the geeky kid who liked doing experiments and dreamed his crazy dreams. Before I knew it I had graduated and been accepted to a university. Not just any university mind, I'm talking about one of the best universities in not just my country, but any country, I was stoked, I would be rubbing shoulders with some smart cookies maybe some of that smartness would rub off on me!

The Big Reveal

College time - I basically wanted to be a research physicist, my dream was to work at the LHC - I took quantum mechanics, specialising in field theory. I also minored in astronomy and classical mechanics.

I was so full of hope so full of joy, I had already sketched out some crude mathematical theories I hoped to impress my tutors with.

There were 280 physics students at my university, I was among the first 50 who were pulled into a lecture hall to be given a speech that rocked my world and one that I would never ever forget.


It was one of the basement lecture halls we were led down some stairs and along a dimly lit hallway. When I got into the room there were eight physics and chemistry professors standing at the front watching us all file in. They had grim looks on their faces and I wondered if this was some weird kind of faculty hazing event.
We all sat down in silence the professors who had also been staring at us in silence then turned as one to their rights. We heard a brief sound of a door opening and in walked the Dean!

He came and stood in front of the professors and addressed the 50 students all waiting tensely not sure what was going on.

"You have been brought here because you are about to embark on various physics degrees. Whilst mathematics elegantly describes our universe, it is physics from which we can garner meaning from this enigmatic language.

You are not the first and you will not be the last to hear this speech. You are the latest in a long line of students that stretch back a thousand years. Today all of you in this room and the remaining 230 physics students, and hundreds of others in different disciplines, from mathematics to marine biology, will hear this speech."

Clearly I was chomping at the bit at this point, I was buzzing away, I didn't know what to expect, now of course a big part of me wishes I had never heard that speech, life would have been much simpler.
"A large part of what you have learned on your path to ending up at this prestigious university, has been a lie! Specifically any mathematics, astronomy, or physics theories pertaining to the fact that the world is round.
I'm afraid you have all been duped by a near 2000 year old hoax, the world we live on today, is in fact, flat."

I've gotta tell you Cg my world was spinning I just sat there my mouth open, it had to be a joke. I could hear a few nervous laughs starting up across the room. We were all waiting for the part where he started cracking up and saying stuff like: You should have seen your faces! But he didn't . . He jsut kept talking in that same sombre voice.

"It's not a joke - I wish it were - we have to tell you now because the research that many of you will carry out will tell you of this truth soon enough. Even if you are not directly going to be involved in research, then via your placements you will still come into contact with mathematics that don't make sense.

It is better that you're let in on the secret now. Your time here now will be harder than you at first imagined. Almost everything you have learned will be useless in the face of the new science that you are now going to learn.

Everything from the speed of light to gravitational waves is a huge lie! Now behold the new science!"
He looked back at the eight professors standing behind hin, they walked to the chalkboard behind the Dean and pulled on a huge sheet.

There was a diagram of a flat disc like earth, surrounded by mathematical formulas that just looked like gobledy-gook.

The place erupted people were shouting questions some screamed some shouted - I just sat there and waited for the "it's a joke" moment - it never came.

Over the next few days my world was turned upside down, I learned that in fact the sun was only 3000 miles away and a hell of a lot smaller. The mathematics of nuclear fusion was a complete falsehood, it had to be a star that size could would not be able to fuse hydrogen.

It turns out Einstein was in on it, because the mathematics for General Relativity simply don't make sense in the light of a 32,000 mile diameter sun. Even at that size the dense sun would pull the earth towards it, frying us all!

I also discovered that all the stars I had looked at with joy through my telescope were a projection. I discovered that the sun moves in a constant circle above the planet which is accelerating upwards at 9.8m/s. I wondered why then I saw with my own eyes the sun set at the end of each day. I was later to discover that that was because of perspective, and more false projections.

I had so many questions as did everybody each one of the answers to my questions was mind blowing . .
Like did you know that because the sun is so close to the earth it forms a spotlight shape.

Which means if you get high enough in say an aeroplane, you can clearly see the dark bits beyond what we think is the horizon?

The reason you've never seen it in a commercial plane, is because those aren't windows you're looking out of. They are high tech screens! They simply project a slightly curved completely fully lit horizon.

And of course those high tech screens and projections onto those screens, were put there by aircraft manufacturers. So pretty much anyone working for Boeing also knows about this devastating secret.

What about light aircraft!?! I shouted out - "You're not allowed to go up in one without being debriefed." - So everybody who has ever been up in a light aircraft is also in on the secret? - "Yup".

Someone else shouted from the back - "Where's Antarctica on that map!? What about the arctic explorer station where's that?!" - The answer came back - "It is based near the ice wall at the edge of the world, everyone there and who has ever been there obviously are aware of the lie." - This went on and on for what seemed like hours but was in fact about 45 minutes.

After the crazy meeting in the lecture hall, the madness went on and on for weeks which turned into months, the size of this conspiracy was mind boggling. From geologists to marine biologists, amateur pilots, tourists, just about everyone you can think of. Most students at the uni were aware of it, save for the art history students and the like we kept those schlubs completely in the dark.

I tell you the amount of people that have to be kept up to speed on this is quite incredible Cg. For instance have you heard of those arctic holidays you can take? - They cost like $10,000 and you can go and check out polar bears or penguins depending on which one you take. Well everyone who has ever been on one of those also knows there's no such thing as the south and north pole.

Over the next few years it became more surprising to meet people who weren't in on the secret. If you live in, or have gone to one of the outlying countries like Australia, then you can clearly see the wall of ice that surrounds the entire earth.

Seeing as the world is completely flat it's no trouble to see that far. The only reason we have time zones is because NASA.

Even though the sun is up in the sky all the time and is just circling around the plane of the eliptic. We see the sun set every day, this is because they project it onto the dome, timing it for when the sun actually moves away. Which also accounts for why you see the sun at different heights in the sky depending on the time of year. Sort of, I think, some of the science is still a bit baffling to me.

Apparently the Coriolis effect is made using powerful alien machinery. Which brings me to the point of why this is such a huge secret.

We are part of an alien construct, and they need to keep it secret, apparently it was easier building a disc world and creating laws of physics that are only apparent in our tiny corner of the universe, and going to extraordinary events to hide it all from us than it was to just build a false globe.

Anyway I took about one year of this and dropped out, nothing had any meaning anymore. I started drinking heavily my relationships with my family suffered. None of them knew and I couldn't tell them, none of them fell into the 1046 categories of people who are allowed to know.

I find it hard talking about that time in my life. Instead I'd like to skip ahead 4 years when I had pulled myself together. I had a beautiful wife and children I was off the booze and training to be a pilot.

I got my wings about 18 months after I married [REDACTED] she was my life, she saved me. My first flight was a transatlantic one as a co-pilot, clearly I had been given the speech again, right at the start of flight school along with the 500 other pilots. Anyway I have come to terms with it by now. Plus it was nice to hang out with people I could talk to about flat-earth and not be laughed at.

Did you know that the pilots who don't make it, often become air traffic controllers? Since their introduction in 1968 there have been tens of thousands of air traffic controllers, and every single one of them is in on the secret. They have to be, they send aeroplanes on circuitous routes to make it seem like the countries are further away from each other than they are.

Which by the way means the airlines are in on it, and they're amongst the most dedicated, they are prepared to waste fuel and therefore millions of dollars a day, just to keep up the illusion.

Here's another shocker for you Cryptogee, the Wright brothers were in on it, as was Amelia Earhart and everyone who has ever flown, sailed or rowed across any ocean or around the world.

I told my wife, she also wasn't on the need to know list, but I told her anyway and I'm going to take her up in a light aircraft soon and then she'll get the speech and see for herself.

I'm telling you this all now Cg because I want it on the blockchain, I know they can't keep this secret forever. There >are already an estimated 2 billion people who know. However I'm not sure they won't do something drastic


I haven't flown a commercial jet in about 3 years now, I just try and stay still, but the quickening is coming Cryptogee, and you have to tell the people about it.

The tipping point is getting closer, once 3.5 billion people know about it, they will go public, and then we'll all know what the hell has been going on.

Tell your readers that if they want to know the truth, the easiest way is to go up in a light aircraft, they don't let you up in one of those things without giving you the speech. Once you're up there you'll see for yourself that the world is flat, you'll see a distant black shadow, that's the edge of the sun's sphere of influence. If you don't have the money, do one of those parachute jumps for charity.

Or if they have a bit of money to spend, I recommend going to New Zealand with a decent pair of binoculars, from there you can see all the way to the ice wall.

Also from any high vantage point near the edge you can see this as well, so everybody who has been up mount Everest also knows that the earth is flat.

Like I said, once we move to about 3.5 billion people knowing, then they have to go public, however I want this out there a bit earlier.

Why now?

Why not?





Flat earth theory is as to physical reality as trickle-down economics is to fiscal reality. Both are naive wishful thinking spread about widely by bullshit artists for personal benefit and entertainment purposes only. I guess if we only have to put up with one group of deluded souls on Steemit that's half the battle won.

I have the pictures of the ice wall, but like all digital photos, my GPS position is inscribed into the hidden data within the image. The satellites are always watching, orbiting around the ...disk uh, yeah, so if I released the evidence, they'd take me away!

So it must remain secret for a bit longer.

Soon though. Soon the truth will be unveiled!

Damned satelites, curse you GPS, CURSE YOU!!!! :-D


I thought it was funny to see flat earth theories on steemit, and then I saw you tagged #funny. Ah this kind of make sense!

Yes, I made sure the funny tag was right up there with satire :-) However you will see genuine flat-earth theories on Steemit sadly :-(


Genius. Sheer genius. I cannot say more. In case its true and they come for me for knowing despite having never had the speech

Quick, book yourself a holiday to one of the edge countries, and you should be ok :-)


I've been told by flat-earth people that one of the reasons we don't have any photographic/video evidence of the world "edge" is because the military protects the thousands of miles of Antarctic coastline.

You'd think NASA would have a base there, because then launching would just involve shoving small capsules off the "edge" so they fly out into space.

Lolz, so every military in the world, do they even have a concept of how many... oh wait.

I like the mental image of NASA pushing stuff off the edge though :-)


Ahahahaha most funny post ever! 😂

Lolz thank you :-)


I can't believe your tags. :D

Thank God for the tag. I thought I'd entered the rabbit hole for sure!!! 😂

Hahaha, I seriously considered leaving it out, but then you'd all think I was crazy!


I totally would. I was stressing out how I was going to try and talk to you....cause I did respect you but something had to be said......Then I had a sigh of relief when I saw someone comment on the tags...
Another win for NOT being hasty ;-)>

Some secrets are better left buried. Lol . @cryptogee

I am seeing your post after a very long time. Don't you post often my friend?

Lolz :-)

Over the last month or so I've been posting about 3 or 4 times per week...


That's very long gap. Lol. Can you manage to keep a distance from steemit?