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RE: Round earth theory vs flat earth theory
The flat earth theory is probably born in a bored "scientist" mind to attract some media attention. It is enough to go to the NASA website or just search one google to see pictures with the earth being round and a lot of live videos also that are showing this. I am amazed though to see that the theory has many believers in it and it's very popular on the internet lately. I will check this post later on to see if there is someone on Steemit trying to prove to you that it's flat.
Well, unfortunately... you are dead wrong.
The flat earth theory was born because there are discrepancies in the ball earth theory.
Such as, if you can see a light house flashing, and it should be far below the horizon (you have to see through the earth to see it), then how do you handle this data? Ball earthers just ignore it.
Further, there are only a couple of pictures of the ball earth. All the rest of them are photoshopped.

Even further, none of them are the same. Just look at the difference in land mass in each of these "photos"
I do not believe we live on a ball earth or a flat earth. The truth is much more strange.
These pictures were taken if different time frames, different seasons, different weather conditions, and probably different distances from Earth so no wonder they don't look all the same.
I don't believe either that the earth is ball round but it's pretty close to it. Flat no way...
Yep, keep telling yourself that, because if you look to closely at these pictures, you will fall down a deep rabbit hole and have trouble believing anything that you thought you knew.
Differing distances? How on earth do you get the land mass to change dramatically in proportion to the circle that is the earth? As, many have commented on, try to do that with a globe. Try all the camera lens focal lengths, try all the distances you can.
I do not believe the earth is a ball, nor do i believe it is flat. The reality is much more radical, and science changing.
Please don't transfer your own falsities to other people. Thank you.
It has been proven that the earth is not a sphere.
So, please stop transferring your falsities to other people.
As far as I can obseerve, lighthouses that are meant to be seen from the distance are usually built at the top of towers, and even local lighthouses are typically raised above the sea.
In the sea map there may be information on how far the light house can be seen, like, one of our strongest light houses here in the Oslo fjord is Færder Fyr, the light is situated 47 metres above the sea level (on high water), and is supposed to be visible 19 nm away.
Now there is 60 nautic miles for every degree of curvature, meaning that at the distances where the light is supposed to either be too faint to be seen by sailors or below the horizon, the difference in curvature is less than half a degree.
How many metres of elevation is there between two points on a globe separated by half a degree? Long time since I've been doing geometry, I will try to find a pen and a paper and see if I can figure it out a bit later today.
After thinking for a while, I came to this approximation being "good enough". On big scales, it will give too big numbers:
where h is the elevation between two points due to the curvature, and l is the length between two points, measured as an angle in the tangens function.
So, let's calculate h(19 nm). In radians, 19 nm = 192pi/360/60 = 0.0055269. In metres, 19 nm = 19*1852m = 35188 m
Hence, h(19 nm) = 15.47m
Meaning that the light is supposed to be too faint to be seen long before it disappears due to the curvature. At least if my formula is right, which I believe it is.
Around 33 nm the light should become below the horizon.
A typical relatively big sailing boat will stretch 2 metres up from the water, meaning that at 7 nautic miles, only the mast should be seen. I will try to do some binocular observations next time I have the chance.
Here is also a collection of photos:
Is this allegedly live video stream also photoshopped?
The same way they always have, fish eye lens an edge blocking tool.
A Funny Thing Happened On the Way to the Moon:
A documentary of how the took the first earth photographs from space.
And if you can find one of the originals of the "Earth Rise" and then adjust the contrast, you will notice that the earth is a separate picture. There is a very discernible black square, where the black around the earth is different from the black supposedly seen from the moon. In other words, the photo was made up.
What is the flat earth theory on how this video was made?
Plus, you see the earth from 14:20 onwards. And it doesn't seem to be a fisheye lens.
I am not a flat earther.
However, all of these recent videos are believed to be filmed on a sound set at NASA or China or the Sonic Roller Coaster.
There are groups out there that take these videos apart.
Like, pointing out water bubbles during the space walks, incorrect reflections, etc.
Very interesting. Do you mean this?
Looks to me like this roller coaster is not yet even built.
And even if you had some tool to simulate weightlessness in the space station tour video, how on earth (pun intended) do you sustain that for 30 minutes?
If this video is fake, I'll take my hat off for NASA because that is brilliant.
I may have the name wrong.
It is just a passenger jet with no interior. And it flies in a sinusoidal path. So, on the downward side, everyone in the plane is weightless. There are all kinds of ThemTube videos with people doing all kinds of amazing things.
And there are videos calling out all kinds of errors in these productions made by NASA and china.
There really are air bubbles (because some are filmed underwater) and there are reflection and CGI errors.
What is the worst, is that there is a community that points out all these errors, and then NASA fixes them.
Mind you, photos can be manipulated, and you can't trust anything you read on the Internet :-)
If these were manipulated someone would have noticed. It's NASA after all. Over all yeah, you can't trust on anything on the internet.
NASA is a resourceful agency that are experts at manipulating photos and videos. I read so at the Flat Earth Society wiki :-)
At the other hand, I don't think so many poeople over such a long time would be able to keep such a secret.
When you want to prove your theory you can find thousands of childish reasons to do that and that's what this flat earth society is doing. I like conspiracy theories and some of them have been proved to be facts after all, but this one is far from convincing me. I've seen it in all kind of tweets, but I think it's just a discussion trend that will be forgoten by the next year. Then another thing will come out to "amaze" the public opinion. Meanwhile some seek minds destroy Sirya to show off their latest "war toys". You're right you can't trust anything on the internet so I trust that the earth is as round as it is for ages .