Flat Earth?

in #flat6 years ago



I will preface this post by stating, I am not sure if the Earth is Flat. However, I will say there are some interesting points to be made. Personally, I think this particular conversation (not debating) is interesting and can cause division within the fold. Perhaps this is part of the purpose (to cause division). It is not my intent. Rather, the question was posed to me, and I took some time to find some good points being made (outside the bible) for the flat earth model.


How many have actually gone into space?

There is an estimated 7.629 billion people on planet Earth as I write this. [Source] Of that number only 448 people have traveled in space technically.

After consulting several experts, Von Karman found that this height was very close to 100 kilometers above the ground (62.1 miles), and it became known as the Karman Line. According to the list of human space travelers on Wikipedia, 448 people have traveled above the line. The Fédération Aéronautique Internationale (FAI), an international group that maintains records in flight and spaceflight, accepted the Karman Line, as did most of the rest of the world, but the U.S. Air Force did not. [Source]
The Karman line lies 62 miles above Earth's sea level. This definition is accepted by the Fédération aéronautique internationale (FAI), which is an international standard-setting and record-keeping body for aeronautics and astronautics.

If space is technically 62 miles, how far before weight loss occurs?

Reviewing the idea of weight loss, we see it really is a free falling feeling or moving along a geodesic. Geodesic is defined as relating to or denoting the shortest possible line between two points on a sphere or other curved surface. Another term is zero gravity.

You can be in free fall in an airplane that flies along the correct path at 10,000 feet. You can be almost in free fall in an elevator which has had its cable cut. This being said, film of weight loss can be mimicked without the necessity to be above the Karman line.

There are companies offering flights for people to experience zero gravity, without having to be "in space".

For years, the European Space Agency (ESA) has used a Novespace-owned Airbus to run parabolic, aka "zero-gravity" flights for scientists and astronauts-in-training. Last March, Novespace started selling seats to the general public for a relatively reasonable $7,932.
"I've been doing this for 20 years, and every flight, there's always this 'wow' impression," says Vladimir Pletser, the parabolic flight manager at the ESA, and a Guinness record holder for most aircraft flown in parabola. "It's like you get born again in a new environment. Words are not enough to describe it. You have to live it."
"Zero-gravity" is a bit of a misnomer, as the Zero-G -- the Airbus A300 that performs the missions -- never leaves Earth's orbit. [Source]
I point this out, to provide evidence zero-gravity does not equal space.


What's with the Bubbles in Space?

There are many videos pointing out alleged bubbles during space flights. The thought is they are actually underwater, rather than in space. Below are some videos pointing this phenomena out.

So many of these type of videos have been shared and seen, the public is now asking astronaghts about them.

What about all those pictures of the Earth from Space?


Interestlingly, this is what began many people questioning the legitimacy of NASA. In every NASA picture of Earth, it is a composite. There is not a single, simple, photo of Earth in one picture (from what I can find). All are composites or having some manipulation.

I did run across this picture provided by Russia. But again, it is not a simple photo, rather taken, "combines four light wavelengths, three visible and one infrared." [Source.]



Compare the picture from Russia (Above) to the new picture from Nasa (Below)[Source.].



The biggest issue of so-called pictures from space is the discrepancy over the years.



So what is the Flat Earth model?

The reality is, nothing has been proven. However, I did find this interesting model in an attempt to visualize the four seasons on a flat Earth model.




What about the Pythagoras and Eratosthenes debate?

Thus far, this video below is the best (easiest to understand) video regarding the 8 inch drop per mile discussion. Thanks to Rob Skiba.

Twenty One Questions and Answers on Flat Earth

Seven Reasons Why Flat Earth Matters

Start the video at 1:50.



If the Earth is truly Flat, it would debunk many things, including evolution, extraterrestrials, reposition man in the center of the Universe.