FLAT EARTH - More popular on Youtube than Donald Trump and Obama!
The phenomenon that is FLAT EARTH has gripped the Youtube community for the last 18 months in such a way it has exploded and now become exponential.
On August 15th 2016 the search results on Youtube were as follows
10,800,000 : The Earth is Flat
6,930,000 : Flat Earth
6,580,000 : Donald Trump
6,450,000 : Justin Timberlake
6,060,000 : Nasa
4,660,000 : Barack Obama
Why would this be such a popular meme at this time?
Well for all the truthers out there this is the subject which will cause the most fuss because it is the biggest conspiracy of them all and spells the end of the establishment because it will expose them as being the biggest liars of all time!!
Ok, Ok , Ok I can hear you saying "You can't be serious, really? You honestly believe the earth is flat?! - you must be crazy or a tin foil hat!"
Actually I have been studying this phenomenon for 10 months solid now and I have tried to debunk the flat earth theory , but the more I look into it the more difficult it gets to disprove it and actually impossible to prove the earth is round. It is very easy to prove beyond doubt and can be scientifically demonstrated by ordinary people which is why the internet is enabling people to share the information.
"What about all the NASA images I hear you say!"
"What about all the footage from the space station or Hubble telescope?"
"What about all the other planets being round?"
If you think NASA are a qualified authority then just watch this short video and see if you think they are to be trusted or relied upon.
Before you click away and dismiss this idea - just consider why this is one of the most popular search terms on Youtube at the moment and why more and more people are waking up to the reality that for 500 years we have been lied to.
There are some fantastic film makers out there who explain the flat earth facts for you in great detail so take an hour to watch this video.
This is Dave Murphy who explains most of the aspects of the theory for you
I hope you find this post interesting enough to explore the subject - it has changed a lot for me and I am finding people in my immediate circles who are now researching for themselves too.
I have studied most subjects of conspiracy and consider this one the best kept and quite stunning when all aspects of the subject are discovered.
Wishing you peace and love on your journey
Flat Earther
This is very strange topic. I'm still hesitating and my mind cannot grasp all the assumptions properly. Thanks for posting, though.
Thanks for your reply jimmco - appreciate your open mindedness. I first came across this subject when my daughter told me someone at her work place was researching it. I am a truther and have always researched subjects which expose corruption and government conspiracy , which lets face it, is their line of work!
I then spent about a month diving into the subject with an open mind.
I couldnt in the end debunk the theory because everything we are told about the globe earth doesnt actually make sense when you think it through.
Like for instance we are supposed to be living on a spinning ball rotating at 1000 miles per hour and the earth is supposed to be orbiting the sun at 65,000 miles per hour and the sun is supposed to be racing through the solar system at 650,000 miles per hour and yet we don't feel any motion whatsoever and the stars are all in the same place each year!!
Please keep an open mind and keep looking. Thanks for your comments
I have no problem with all kind of conspiracies when there is enough of hard evidence or when the official story is total nonsense. And maybe I even believe in more conspiracy theories than you do. Still, I have these issues with the flat model:
I'll definitely check this topic more, currently I'm not sure what is the shape and construction of Earth and which theory is right. Some recorded flight from north pole to south pole around the "globe" would help :). See you around riseup
Cool - check Brian Mullin - Balls out Physics.
Flights of planes going north to south would crash horribly if we were spinning east to west.
GPS uses a US government system - check out flight tracking over the southern hemisphere - there is none ! because the tracking is impossible.
NASA globe images are heavily photo shopped , copy paste used everywhere and not one original image
curvature of the earth - no pilots adjust for curvature when at 500 mph they should be every 5 mins adjusting by 600 feet. But they don't. The artificial horizon in their altometer doesnt move but it should constantly drop if they are flying in a constant altitude. See you around anyway :-)
Watched some more videos yesterday they confirmed what you're writing and it's quite shocking. I can understand that people don't know everything but I can hardly take that all NASA is camouflaging everything. I had my doubts about Moon landing but this put practically put all NASA programs into a realm of lies. And what about space programs of another countries - Russia, China and India?
keep digging... it's big.
@jimmco This may seem like a very controversial suggestion, but a humbling heroic dose of a certain psychedelic compound called DMT would really open your 'eye' up the possibilities of the incomprehensible.
Excellent, keep up the good work. We will prevail. Got myfFollow! @digesyourself
Sounds hilarious and crazy maybe....but I recognized almost immediately, that the flat earth issue was the leverage point for making people wake up to the truth....because it is so big....If this is true...then yes...we can see that their is a global conspiracy and the world is run by satanic sociopaths who think we are their cattle, and are trying hard to cull the herd.... ha...I still have not ruled out reptilian shape shifters...haha...I'm not even kidding. Anyhow, the flat earth community has presented me with more and better science that the other side, who in the words of George Bernard Shaw, “ has convinced us that nothing that is obvious is true, and that everything that is magical, improbable, extraordinary, gigantic, microscopic, heartless, or outrageous is scientific.”
If we don't buy it...they just scream..."it's science"...or "do the math." I think we all have to do our own thinking...but there's a lot of skilled researchers out there presenting us with good data.