Flash Forward - Autonomous robots and humans

in #flash6 years ago

The current date is January 5th, 2019. Let's advamce in
time, just a few years to January 5th, 2022. Flash forward
I said, three years. So then, the year is 2022. Autonomous
vehicles at that point have been in research for many years
and have finally become a reality. Jobs and careers within
industries needing drivers are no longer available for
"Humans." Where do all of those unemployable drivers go
to work or seek employment? They must change careers or
live unemployed.

If the year 2022 turns out to be the year that autonomous
vehicles are perfected, then, it won't be much longer that
the electronics package that makes that autonomy possible
could be installed on other devices, such as scooters or
wheelchairs and even golf carts. The point is, electronics
devices can be portable, repackaged and re-engineered for
additional purposes. All the while that is going on, that
technology is periodicallt improved. The implications run
even farther... Why would you need to push a shopping cart
at a grocery store when that shopping cart will simply
follow you autonomously?

For many years, the automobile or car industry has used
and employed robots in their production. Many tasks from
welding and screwing screws and bolts on up to painting
the finished product. It saves money for the manufacturer.
Manufacturers cannot be blamed for wanting and needing to
cut costs. Their costs and the end-cost to consumers both
have benefitted from robotic employment and it is not just
car manufacturing that has employed robots. other industries
also have been using robots or robotic employees for many
years. Robotic employment is catching on and will only
continue to become more prevalent as costs of human labor
increase and the cost of doing business moves higher.

Flash-forward just a few more years or so to the year
2027 and then, 40% of all jubs that are now done by human
workers are then done by more advanced robots. That
advancement is not going to stop and may even happen a
little sooner, thanks to quantum computers being networked
with conventional computers and 5G wireless technology.
All of these technologies are advancing forward and because
blockchain technology is also advancing, many of these
forms of technologies are getting a push from each other.

Internet of Things (IoT) is also advancing and developing
to the point that machines, computers or robots can already
perform transactions between themselves or "pay" each other
as programmed or needed to get a job done in a fast, efficient
and more organized way. Productivity, saving money, cutting
costs and improving efficiency are the drivers.

Science, technology, engineering and math are enabling
fields of learning and progress or enable humans to understand,
control or move forward to improving.

Flash-forward a few more years to 2030 and the exponential
effects are easier to predict and cope with. Do not fear these
changes going on. There will be no "Skynet" and there will be
no "Matrix" when we humans are doing the design or programming
that is making this all happen.