Flash Fiction: Yahmamah

in #flash7 years ago

The Jacquline's don't forget fool! Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack! The shots released and bounced down the street. A body dropped, blood pooled, and tires screeched. Siren rings could be heard over the mother's petrified screams. Ambulance lights lite the trees and gave shape and figure to the life in the darkness.
My baby! Whyyyy, no God, no God, no, it’s not true. No no no no nooo no no, her lips were trembling. A roar came from her gut, "this madness must end!" Her child, 15 years old, dead. Countless shells emptied into his chest. He was gone.
"Micheal, get yourself out of the road woman", her neighbor screamed.
She gripped onto her dead child, "No! She gasped, no one can take my baby....my baby, my baby."
She was covered in blood, cramped over her son with his head griped In her arms, sobs rocked her body into contortions.
"Get out of the damn road Micheal the cops are gonna be here soon", but she did not move. Micheal sat in the middle of that street long after the paramedics took her son and the police reports had been made.
That night the mother’s oldest didn’t come out the house he plotted the next strike he was like a warrior whos only thought was of major retaliation.

Donte was the leader of the Raquels. They had active members in the thousands.
"Ima kill these bitch Jaqulines
They thinkin they can get away with this
Nah never. Get shot in the chest"
Donte had a way with wording things, especially when he was in one of these moods, the mood of a vicious killer ready to hunt. He started laughing and turned up the stereo as he started to back out of his driveway to get a 40 from the liq store.

The song was bumping loud as he turned down his street,
the lyrics went

"Leaving my Mahma in a pool of sesh
Catch me at my best
Ima run through and gun em
Every sucker on the west side gonna be running
No fronted Ima kill em all
One shot to the head ima
Take out there leader
Boomb bang
Fuck YaMahma she a stanky ass hoe"

Big T was sitting in the passenger seat, fully loaded and alert.

"Yo bro
Your trippen
We gotta re-load, Re-up,
We haven’t got the latest shipment
Our rounds are down.
If we’re gonna have a turf war we gotta be prepared."
Donte nodded his head in agreement.

The rivaling gangs would often commit ritual murders of the family members of well know gang leaders. The bloody rituals would include kidnapping a family member if it was a woman she would be raped sometimes by over 70 men and often young boys were initiated in the process. Then they would begin to decapitate the body. Using objects like butcher knives and machetes.

Brother Donte and his partner Big T were the leaders of the Raquels. It had been passed down by their fathers and their father's fathers. Ten generations of violence and bloodshed in their legacy.

They started working the business as soon as their fathers were murdered. Both sons became deeply connected after their father's brutal homicides. The men's body parts were sent to family members, their wives received their husbands decapitated heads with their penises wedged between their teeth. After that, the sons became inseparable, driven by revenge and rage the sons took The Raquel's infamous legacy to new heights.

The brothers had been pushed to their limits and were now pursuing a new agenda, a final war between turfs. The Raquel's against the Jaqulines to end the warfare once and for all.

They began Building their stock of heavy artillery.
Each gang had five to seven-thousand members.
Eventually, the rivals caught word it was wartime.
They both started stacking their artillery, a wide range of different firearms ranging in the tens of thousands.

Aye, big boss, we gotta start stacking
You hear the Raquels are getting ready for war.
We’re gonna ride, right?
Lucky was talking to the big boss of the Jacqueline's. A sick sadistic man who found humor in murdering the innocent.

Lucky was one of the king of Jacqueline's partners and he was always hyped. Ready to go and known for being too eager at times, he would flash and pull the gats out and the drop of the dime.
This cat killed over a hundred people letting Glocks off whenever his temper flashed.
He had a small frame, skinny like he never ate a good meal in his life.
Jittery like he hit the pipe more than he drank water, but he was loyal and would always get the job done that’s why the boss would let him kickit in the kings of the Jaqulines zone.
The King himself was iced out. A big man weighing close to 350 pounds, always sipping on hard liquor but never seemed to get drunk. He was a major money maker and gained his notorious wealth through laundering, theft and drug sales. He was one of the main distributors of heroin, cocaine, methamphetamines, and LSD.
His pockets were fat and he had no issue building wild and loyal members and preparing for the street war. Their whole click was wild, mad crazy. Doing whatever it takes to get what they need.
The business went on for another three months on both sides. Building, stacking artillery, making deals and getting ready for the street war.
As the months passed murders and violence continued to increase in numbers, it was a bloodbath.

Big T stepped into the living room where Donte was sitting. "Aye, brother Dante, I heard your mamma lost another one of her sons. I’m sorry man. May they Rest In Peace."
Dante sat in the dark room. The window next to the couch had the blinds drawn, it was mid noon but the room they sat in was so dark it was difficult to make out where anything was. Dante broke the darkness with a match as he lit a cig. He leaned back into the leather sofa and broke the silence with a question. How did this all start? He said.
Big T didn’t know what he was referring to, his body jerked back as if the question bounced off his chest.
Dante continued, This man, I mean all this, how'd it start? I mean, why did we start killing each other in the first place. I mean it’s been so long. So much loss, Our family’s man. His elbows rested on his knees and his palms were facing up lamenting in his hand's motions and trembles. We’ve all been affected. He grabbed his mouth and sighed, a shudder rippled in between his shoulder blades as he began to rock. "My mom hasn’t come out her room in weeks. I gotta bring her food and feed her man. She can’t stand what we’re doing, she knows what we’re up to. I can’t hide it from her man she's my mother. She wants me to call all this shit off. She’s done, man. Everyone she's ever loved. Her husband, her kids. She's done losing her kids, man. I’m her last living kid, out of nine children! They’ve all been kidnaped or murder, one drowned at a party when she was two. She can’t lose any more of her kid's man. She’ll die, she can’t take it, fuck man I can’t take it."

Donte choked up. A knot in his through swelled like he was having an allergic reaction to his own emotions. He coughed.
"Big t I don’t know where I stand, I don't know if I can do this anymore."

Big t wanted to tell his homie he was with him, but it was too late, they were too deep. Even if the Raquel's withdrew, they would be hunted and slaughtered. Big T had lost his father in the rivalry, one of his grandfathers too. He thought about the loss of his loved ones and became enraged. Fuck that man! We’re not gonna listen to no woman’s sorrows. Ur mamma knows we do this shit for our pride, for our honor. We gotta let em know where we stand. We ride on these blocks, we own these streets no ones gonna step to us and get away with it.
I need to know where you stand, Dante. We’re about to make hits. We came too far to call it quits.

Donte couldn't look big T in the eye but he nodded his head and turned up the music

"We drink liquor
Get it sicker
Ain’t nobody gonna be talking that shit
We lick that shit, then blow it out, poof!
We do it big, Boom Boom!
Hit em to the tumb
R.I.P. soon
Man fuck they face
Rip that ass off, then shove in their mamma's face,
I say fuck YaMahma!
Fuck YaMahma.
She a ugly ass hoe, she a nasty fuckin hoe
Fuck YaMahma!

The next day Dantes mother stood in front of the door she screamed, "boy you will leave this house only by stepping over my dead body."

Get out of the way ma! Dante screamed in her face.

The living room was tore up. The coffee table was broken in half. Dante and his mother had been going at it for hours. Ma I'm doing this to protect you, to avenge you ma. Fuck, these fools killed everyone we loved ma. I'm going out there for you.

I will not let you step out of this house. His mother was at least two feet shorter than him, but she was mighty. Thick shoulders and sturdy as all hell, this woman was a bull that could knock you a good one.

Ma get out of the way woman, or I'm gonna hurt you.

You wouldn't dare her eyes were fire bolts. I carried you for nine months, birthed you, bathed you, fed you, clothed you. You wouldn't dare boy. I raised you right in all this mess. Don't you raise your hand to me? I'll make sure you have that arm cut off. Dantes mother got thugy with it, but only when she had to.

Dante looked at his mother and then ran full speed and kicked her in the ribs. She flew back and rolled down the brick steps of their front porch. Her head cracks on the cement and her vision flashes to a schoolyard where little children were playing on a playground.

Raquel don't push me!
The little girls had been playing hopscotch but it had turned into an argument.
Your Mamas so fat she ate an entire cake and said I am going to eat ten more" Jacqueline said holding her chin to her neck to make fat rolls.
Raquel spit back, oh yeah well your mammas so ugly that when she smiles everyone around her throws up.
Then another flash, to another day at the school, Raquel and Jacqueline could be seen in the principal's office being lectured.
Another Flash, the girls are on the playground, their surrounded by other children, the children are laughing while the girls fight.
The two girls are in the office again, this time with their parents. Their parents were from the opposite sides of town one from the west side, the other from the east. Both the east and the west sides of town were extremely poor with very limited access to resources. The parents began to argue in one of the meetings.
Another Flash, now the girls were in high school, they looked older, harder. Their fathers who used to show up in meetings were no longer there. The hatred these girls had for each other grew as well as the lies and slander they spread about each other. They had gotten their family members involved and then one day Raquel decided to roll up on Jacqueline. So with three cars in the middle of the night, they drove past the house where Jacqueline and their family lived. The kids in the cars threw stones and broke out the windows to the families home. The mother ran out to see what was going on and that's when the children began throwing rocks at the mother. Some of the stones hit Jacquline's mother in the head and she fell over from the blows. Jacqueline ran out of her house and started screaming and begging the kids to stop. They started screaming YoMahmas so stupid that now she's dead, YoMahmas so stupid now she bleeds red. Jacqueline scream I will avenge my mother!!!! and the world went black.

Dantes mother lay on the cement as blood spilled from her head and her vision faded to black.
