in #flamingoloco6 years ago (edited)

Dear Steemians,

First of all, I would like to thank all the participants of this contest because the level was excellent! So high that the choice was very hard so I decided to change the rewards. It's the surprise of the day my Steemians friends! 🎁
I will reward 6 challengers instead of 4 !!! Since yesterday I think only that and my heart is broken not to be able to select the 60 participants ^^. But 6 it's still better than 4 !!! So here are the results of this 🤑💲🏆 STEEMIT CREATIVITY CHALLENGE #1- The most creative FLAMINGO ever !!! 60 STEEM to WIN !!! 🤑💲🏆

The Winner is: @happydaddyfr - Price: 30 STEEM

You were the first to send me your participation and your accompanying text touched me so much. That it was important for me to be one of the winners. The choice was difficult because there was really a great info-graphic level but I think what made the difference was the personalization in your work and your text. Like what, we must always put the heart in what we do, it's this little thing that can make the difference ;).
I share your work for those who have not seen:

Hello les Happy's !

Certains le savent déjà après m'avoir demandé de l'aide sur la création de logos, d'autres le découvriront grâce à cet article mais l'une de mes passions est l'infographie.

Et oui, je ne parle pas que de développement personnel sur Steemit ! :o)

Mais pourquoi n'as-tu pas suivi tes rêves ?
Tu aurais pu en faire ton métier !

A une époque, j'y ai pensé mais comme on demande aux pilotes d'avoir une vue parfaite, il m'était impensable de me lancer dans une carrière de ce type alors que je suis daltonien.

D'ailleurs il y a de grandes chances pour que cela se remarque au premier coup d’œil sur la bannière que je propose via ce super chouette concours organisé par @flamingirl !

Mais je tiens à préciser qu'une couleur, c'est facilement modifiable à l'heure de l'informatique et si jamais l'idée plaisait, il sera toujours facile pour moi de faire des modifications colorimétriques ;o)

Présentation officielle

Alors voilà, laisse-moi te présenter ma petite création.

Mes deux fils de 6 ans et 18 mois sont raide dingues des peluches Ty alors quand j'ai vu que @flamingirl en avait adoptée une à l'aéroport l'autre jour, je me suis dit que j'allais créer sa mascotte à partir de ce concept.

Avec leurs yeux immenses, ils me font penser aux yeux de mes enfants qui découvrent le monde sans filtre, sans barrière, alors rien de plus naturel d'y accoler un petit slogan "Dream Big", "Rêvons Grand !".

Pour le côté Girly, les XoXo en fin d'articles et la pseudo m'ont obligé de faire un clin d’œil à l'une des séries les plus girly au monde (oui je l'avoue, je l'ai regardée jusqu'au bout !)

Un petit papillon qui représente le voyage, la liberté comme nous le retrouvons souvent dans les postes de @flamingirl.

Finalement, @flamingirl poste souvent des photos de nature ou même une vidéo dans un parc, j'ai voulu rajouter un peu de nature avec des plantes grimpantes. Tout simplement.

I can't wait to see the banner with TY flamingo and his little pink bow on the head! =)
Thank you again and see you soon!

The Second price 10 STEEM is for: @jason04

I chose your logo in second place because it is very professional and it fits my criteria perfectly. The design is precise and well thought out, the colors are exactly the ones I like. Congratulations for this amazing job! The only regret I have is not having the banner that went with the logo ...;). With the logo + the banner of this quality, you could have had the first place. But the second place is already very good, out of 60 participants!
Here is @ jason04's work for those who would not have seen it:

This blog will be about @flamingirl's Logo contest. She held the contest last Monday, April 16: STEEMIT CREATIVITY CHALLENGE # 1- The most creative FLAMINGO ever !!! 50 STEEM to WIN.

I'm just new to graphics designing and animations. I just started my journey to this field last March 2018. I slowly love this thing that's why I joined logo contests like this. Joining this kind of contests will also boost my knowledge ans skills to this field. This may not be the best but I really did my best for it to look good, hahahha:)

Hope this logo could contribute a lot to the logo that you are finding for. Hope you like this :)

Thank you guys. Hope you like it :)

The Third price 5 STEEM is for: @edxserverus

You are in 3rd place out of 60 participants !!! Congratulations for your work and thank you to your daughter for her very girly and professional point of view ^^ With the reward you will be able to buy a small gift and send me a photo if you want! Even with the face hidden if you do not want to reveal his image what I can understand or just a drawing =). I love children, they are innocent and full of life! I think we should all stay a kid sometimes ^^.
Thank you both and see you soon!

*Hello everyone, I have decided to participate in the contest sponsored by @flamingirl in which he asks us to create a logo based on his name which refers to the flamingo bird, I am from venezuela so I am familiar with this bird because in our plains and lakes it is common to see them.

For those who do not know, the pink color of the flamingos is not from birth. At birth the plumage of these birds is white, gray and even brown. Only in his adult age his plumage is dyed pink. Its color is due to the intake of crustaceans and algae that form the basis of your diet.
Thanks to the fact that I am the father of a girl I have had the guide and the necessary point of view to make my design, although it was not necessary according to the terms of the contest, I have also made a cover and a banner to complement the logo design.

I hope you like it @flamingirl, thank my daughter since my point of view at first was focused on this subject. I guess I was influenced by my fanaticism to this anime XD*

The Fourth price 5 STEEM is for: @phantum04

You are 4th out of 60 because your work is of high quality and very professional. Thank you for your logo, your banner and especially your gif that gave an extra point in my choice! ^^. One day, I will do such a good job hahaha. In the meantime, I find it cool to involve the community and reward people for it! See you soon!

Hello everyone here in steemit!
How are you guys?Hope you are all well...
Today, I decided to participate in Steemit Creativity Challenge by @flamingirl- " The most creative FLAMINGO ever!!!".
Clik here to join!!!

And without further adieu, I open my laptop and go to photoshop to create my design...
The idea of design is to combine the flamingo and the steem old logo since the new one is on copyright. So, I came up with these...

Flamingirl Logo 1

Flamingirl Logo 2
I made a simple design but suits what the host want. I put a flamingo head and I made the steem old logo as the wings of it. Then I added the text using flamingo font that I downloaded to the internet. And that's it! :)
Here are some screenshots I made while designing the logo...

Hope you like it... :)

Thank you!!!

The Fifth price 5 STEEM is for: @lifeinblue

You see the life in blue and me in pink and you have illustrated it well! You are the only one to have integrated the Eiffel Tower and the Sagrada Familia in your banner and think it's great! Thank you for this original and professional work. Your logo and your banner are of a great quality and I will not hesitate to use them when I talk about meetings that I organize in Barcelona or when I travel to Paris! Besides, I'll be there this weekend so I'll think of you;).

Hello Steemit friends !

I love creative challenges and as I'm starting in Steemit right now it should be nice to see some Steem and SP added to my wallet :-)
So I am happy to contribute with my ideas in this #flamingologo contest I like a lot.

I love the @flamingirl blog because of her nice positive girly vibes. Not to forget she's taking many concrete actions to contribute to the development of the Steemit platform.

So hello @flamingirl ! I hope you have a great Saturday :-) Here are my ideas for your logo and brand.

I started my idea from this first image :

The ingredients of the "Flamingo recipe" and why I choose them :

a tender pink marbled color for the backround. (girly vibes :-) )

as you are a traveler and it seems you live in Barcelona but you are often in Paris, I had the idea to put you in the middle of the symbols of those two cities ;

I included the cup of hot drink with Steem going out on the top of the "I" of your name. I noticed it's kind of your visual signature already and it represents you very well ;

I added a little "Take off with me" as a slogan under your name. It's maybe too much because you didn't ask for it and it can be removed. But in my mind "Take off with me" represents you as a traveler but also as a leader on Steemit. This call to action added to your brand is better than "Follow me" which is more agressive and obvious marketing stuff.

I also added some Steem waves to this poor flamingo who was without water to play in :-) and to finish I added a sober frame with rounded edges to be more feminine.

So that's the first idea. But I think it should be too big to use as a logo. So starting from this first idea I came up with a logo presenting a completely round frame. I don't think it's a good idea to include Eiffel Tour and Sagrada Familia here, it would be too much and saturated.

I hope you and your followers will like my ideas. Best luck to all participants and great Saturday !


The Sixt price 5 STEEM is for: @jacobite

Thank you to you for this high-quality info-graphic work! And for your very precise explanations on the progress of your work. Thanks to you I can know more about the creation of a logo or banner and I thank you for it. I also think about using your work in future publications and I will follow what you do on Steemit! So see you soon!

How about some love for @flamingirl as she throws a contest to engage creative minds to her create the perfect logo for her brand.

I was quite lucky to stumble on this contest, so I felt why not give @flamingirl something to wow about.. winks

Click here to look the Proof of work

This first 🤑💲🏆 STEEMIT CREATIVITY CHALLENGE 🤑💲🏆 is now finished! Thank you to all participants:
@happydaddyfr, @byn, @lavanyalakshman, @marlon241982, @jolugo23, @steve2955, @gamsam, @synekto, @maribelquere97, @henrry1954, @sandrag89, @jaydeedv, @edxserverus, @roraimax, @jason04, @drawmeaship, @pjay96, @jcobs, @phantum04, @mumin007, @juviemaycaluma, @sandrapatricia, @kshemen, @alpasee09, @veronicasmb, @dianadvsalcedo, @muhasib, @kamilo.sin.k2105, @patymm, @valeriasmm, @a-alice, @obaidb2, @desic, @jacobite, @arletv, @lifeinblue, @jahzeely, @lisbethseijas, @cetb2008, @dylen, @merak1, @betzy, @albanyg12, @ciaolovers, @jeseemei, @laucaba, @dianita, @unataldani, @bermudezloida, @kolegaotaku, @enderson49, @drawingwithflare, @sofiaboada17, @inter27, @yumifer, @ferjart, @anaaliendres87, @gisel, @alexandracruz. I hope I have not forgotten anyone 😅.

If you liked this contest, don't hesitate to UPVOTE, COMMENT and RESTEEM this article =)! Thank you for your support.
See you soon for new adventures with @flamingirl and its new logo... 😘

"Dream Big"!
Flamingirl, with love <3


Waaaaw that's sooo Great !

I'm so happy !! (you even can't imagine !)

We can't predict the future but maybe some day you'll be part of my story "I followed my dream & became a real designer!" I'll tell to my kids.

I already started launching my own brand some months ago but it was more like a personal challenge than a real carrier path.

Thank you so much for this opportunity & this chance you give me to express myself within my designs.

Have a great day,
Laurent Alias Happy Daddy

In order to get you the high quality files or even new format/layout, feel free to contact me on discord happydaddyfr#5698 I'll be more than happy to produce exactly your needs :o)

I'll be so happy to be part of your story "I followed my dream and became a real designer!" =).

I looked at your site with your own brand, it's great!

Thank you very much for your positive attitude and kindness! And long live Belgium ^^

Have a nice day!

Hello @flamingirl

N'ayant pas eu de tes nouvelles via Discord, je te recontacte ici pour te donner la bannière avec le petit nœud.

Si jamais tu voulais d'autres formats pour différentes utilisations, n'hésite pas à me contacter :o)

Belle soirée,


Coucou! Oui dsl je suis un peu débordée en ce moment 😅. Merciiiiiiii !!!!! J'adore cette version elle est top 👌😄🌞. Si besoin je n'hésiterai pas à te contacter à partir de la semaine prochaine 😉. Je suis à Paris pour le week end Spark de Franck Nicolas (coach en leadership et développement personnel) peut-être que tu connais?

Waw il parait que ses weekends sont géniaux et qu'il y a une énergie de dingue dans la salle! J'espère que tu nous feras un petit retour sur l'événement!

Thanks ! :o)

If someday you come in Belgium it would be amazing to organise a meetup as the one you've done in Paris & Barcelona !

Have a great day,

Congrats to the winner and thank you very much @flamingirl for your great idea :-)
You know I am professional musician, not graphic designer. I found many high level designs in this contest, so I am pleased I won a little prize even if it's not the first one.
And you know, I love pink also :-)))) Best to you and congrats to the other winners !

Bravo pour ta cinquième place :)

Merciiiiiiiii :-) Je suis contente, mais alors contente !!!! :-)

I'm glad he did not have only professional graphic designers in this contest so it gives others the chance! In addition you just arrived on Steemit so I'm happy to help you a little and I wish you good luck in this incredible adventure! All the best 😘

Yours was wonderfull too ! I loved the way you though about the two cities !

Funny to see we are many of us loving creating designs without any profesionnal experience/background :o)

Wonderful and a little in the same style and spirit as yours @happydaddyfr, what do you think?

Yes it's true, it's flat design and I really like this kind of graphics !

Thank you so much, I am very happy for you and also very touched by your text. Enjoy your prize :-) !

Felicidades al ganador, y gracias @flamingirl por este concursos. Saludos a todos los participantes porque lo hicieron excelente. Estoy ansiosa por el próximo concurso.

Congratulations to the winner, and thanks @flamingirl for this contest. Greetings to all participants because they did it excellent. I am looking forward to the next contest.

Congrats to all! The winner's flamingo looks so cute with that huge eyes.
This contest must've been a fun one, flamingos are really interesting animals and fun to design.

Congrats to the winner

Thank you very much for taking me into account, we were planning a family outing to the cinema since my daughter wants to see the premiere of infinity wars and your prize is perfect for that, we will certainly send you pictures @flamingirl. thank you and I hope this is not your last contest.
By the way, my daughter, although she keeps her innocence intact, she is almost a young lady and next year she turns 15.greetings.

Thank you so much @flamingirl ,I thought that banner is not included. Anyways, thank you so much for the appreciation:)

You REALLY like them FLaminGOs friend.

You make very good your job.I hope it will be very good.

Congrats to all the winners, lovely designs