Hey hey hey! Gettin' flagged for no reason.
I've seen children on the playground enforce better etiquette than this. You done fucked up, Steem. You let the bully rule the playground unchallenged. Now he thinks he gets to do whatever he wants with impunity. You actively allow a big stakeholder to devalue the platform and deter investors from entering the space.
This is why flags exist. The level of meager resistance to this behavior is downright embarrassing. Every vote Beanie Baby has cast over the last six months should have been nullified by the community out of simple common sense. The guy straight up controls an account called @rewardpoolrape and has used it to that effect.
Oh, but if he's not going to do anything, then I'm not going to do anything.
And so on and so forth and no one does anything.
But I'm not here to be a hypocrite, because where was my voice before I started getting flagged? Same place everyone else's was: not giving a fuck.
Meanwhile, constant talks of giving the big stake holders even more power are constantly taking place. Hey! Let's create a separate pool for flagging! Let's funnel 10% inflation to projects that the stakeholders choose! Let's increase curation rewards! Let's go back to logarithmic rewards!
It's alarming that very few people see these power grabs for what they are. If any of them actually happen, I will seriously have to consider selling some of my stake into Ethereum, as it's not going to stop there. The slippy slope of strong-arming Steem inflation isn't going to stop on a dime.
Not for no reason.
Alright so this all started when account @tushy attacked account @mitrado in @drugwars. I wiped out the @tushy account and said something like, "you can stop attacking @mitrado now, thanks".
It was @themarkymark's alt account. That escalated in to a situation where all of my accounts have been under constant attack for a while now. Seriously the number of hours spent on attacking my @drugwars accounts is pretty comical.
Defending 5 @drugwars accounts 8 times a day is pretty tedious. The game is boring enough as it is. What a waste of life. So I made my accounts public and employed a few characters that hate @berniesanders. They are micromanaging my accounts and sending out some not so savory messages.
On that note, has anyone ever been in the same Discord with @themarkymarky and @berniesanders? If they aren't the same person they communicate pretty much every day. This seems like it should be a fairly easy thing to verify.
In direct messages with @themarkymark on Discord he made sure to tell me three times that he wasn't @berniesanders when I wasn't even accusing him. He even brought it up last night on MSP Waves Broadcast.
This deflection was pretty weird as well. Who says they have zero thoughts about a person that they talk to everyday? Refuses to acknowledge @berniesanders as a person while denies being them, constantly unsolicited.
In @drugwars they are active at the same times. They log out around 8 PM PST and become active again between 4-7 AM. Probably live on the East Coast.
Sometimes @ngc will scout and @themarkymark will follow up with an attack. This happens all the time actually. And messages from @ngc and @themarkymark seem interchangeable. @ngc will mention things from direct message with Marky in Discord... things like that.
So either they are pretty much in constant communication or they have access to each other's accounts or they are just the same person. In my opinion, they have completely different personalities and @drugwars playing styles, so if they were the same person they go to great lengths to hide it or have full-on multiple personality disorder (which seems stupidly unlikely).
Their attitude toward money is the same. Money is no object and wealth is flaunted at the folks who have less.
Again, they are both huge personalities on Steem and they are constantly in cahoots with each other. It should be very easy to put this thing to rest. Can anyone verify they are two separate people?
All of this points to the same thing:
Decentralized Sybil-Attack Resistant Reputations
I've talked about this before. Reputation means nothing if you can just make a new account and farm rep on it instantly. I've said this a few times before but I suppose I should take it more seriously.
rant over
Ain't that some shit!
Speaking of shit, I took a dump in your wallet! Take a trip to the bathroom to claim your worthless SHIT!
You threatened, then taunted me so I killed off the armies you botted to obtain (admitted yourself and 7 of your accounts are banned for it already).
Wow, this is some funny shit.
First off, you are being attacked so you can't amass thousands of hobos to troll attack as you have built up a shit ton of resources and army by auto attacking with bots (in which you have even publically admitted you have had 7 out of 13 accounts banned for). I have been attacking your accounts to defend myself from your groupies troll attacking around the clock.
Why did I mention I'm not Bernie three times? Because you kept saying/implying I was. We are nothing alike in fact to think we are the same is a riot. We are in the same gang and in the same Discord with like 30 others. Of course he knows things you have said to me because I shared it and we both get a good laugh.
When you attacked me and threatened me to stop attacking mitrado, I scouted you and found out you had a massive army with zero spend and that you were botting. So I wiped your army one by one to prevent you from attacking me.
I don't flaunt shit, I am very humble. I just don't take bullshit.
I also don't go around flagging people because I don't like them or they hurt my feelings. I get flagged 350+ times a day from @fulltimegeek and his followers yet I don't start hate flagging all of them.
Thanks for the laughs though, much entertainment. I'd give you a drama token if you were such a dipshit.
What is it about this post that makes you mad?
Your actions and words continue to make me question your integrity.
Nothing makes me mad about. I find it funny. What makes me mad is your massive cheating and trolling with the resources you got as a result.
The fact you think I’m Bernie or we are even alike makes me chuckle. I built Regulators targeting the largest players. It was planned to be a small but powerful gang.
is that why when your on radio not you or beanie or ngc is attacking anyone you halfwit retard you think everybody is stupid
fucki cant believe people were stupid enough to hand you all the steem how much dick did you have to suck for that
your a complete joke
good luck trying to convince people your humble
you dont know the meaning of the work
fuck you retarded its really sad but to me its really funny that your so fucking stupid lmao
You're so poor you can't even afford your own account on drugwars!! What a pathetic, inbred cuck you are @nickgrujic!!
You suck, you've been flagged.

Nice backpedal. Why'd you call me a dipshit?
I said the opposite.
Can you see why it's hard to take you seriously?
Speaking of shit, I took a dump in your wallet! Take a trip to the bathroom to claim your worthless SHIT!
I called you a dipshit because you are talking nonsense and have been trolling for days with your multiple accounts and then make a post crying you are getting attacked by single hobo every couple hours so you and whoever you have running your accounts can’t troll with 1000 hobos.
Oh so now you think the OP is about drugwars?
Deflect deflect deflect.
You are transparent.
Everything you do creeps me out.
You actively force all of my accounts to engage with you. You systematically searched for all of my accounts and wiped out all the army I had and you attack every account 20 times a day. I even offered you a truce.
Remember when I baited you into saying your time is worth more than mine? God that was funny.
The OP has nothing to do with drugwars. Why are my blog posts being flagged? Oh wait, that's right, you have nothing to do with it. lol.
Every flag should stand on its own merit. Retribution flagging is toolish.
The #2 witness brings nothing to the table. He's much more concerned with acquiring personal power than bringing value to the platform. His only purpose is to serve as a parasite that needs to be cured so the platform can grow stronger.
Uh huh. Let me grab some popcorn.
Carry on. Tell me more.
I said:
What do you think about @berniesanders?
Why did you deflect when I asked if you were bullish on Steem?
This is coming from a guy who passed along account keys simply to harass another user.
Better jump off that high horse before I shoot it down.
You already know that I did that in response to being attacked 100 times a day across 5 accounts. I'm not going to waste hours defending them when other people want to help me out.
Carry on trying to manipulate the truth with your constant propaganda and terrorist tactics of scaring users into submitting to your 'authority'.
You called him dipshit because you cannot fake Multiple Personality Disorder as well as you think you can. Lol
You suck, you've been flagged.

Your balance is below $0.3. Your account is running low and should be replenished. You have roughly 10 more @dustsweeper votes. Check out the Dustsweeper FAQ here: https://steemit.com/dustsweeper/@dustsweeper/dustsweeper-faq
beanie /marky your fucking hillarious you wouldnt know humble even when you zionist dirty mom fed you with a shovel
get off the crack you multiple personality shit stain
fuck NGC(no good cunt) beanie marky next gen you are all one of the same even if there is ten of you
are you that ignorant and selfish
humble lmfao your a fucking joke
good luck convinciong anyone but the retards that follow you lol
now go suck some dick or get some semen pumped up your ass to clear the rest of the brains out of your ears
You suck, you've been flagged.

"I get flagged 350+ times a day from @fulltimegeek and his followers yet I don't start hate flagging all of them."
You don't flag with that account, you use @berniesanders / @nextgencrypto / @abusereports, etc. How cute.
You're not fooling anyone, @berniesanders. I see right through you and your fake Multiple Personality Disorder.
You suck, you've been flagged.

Umm. Ok. If you say so.
hey @whatsup have some shit!
Speaking of shit, I took a dump in your wallet! Take a trip to the bathroom to claim your worthless SHIT!
Here's your
. Don't spend it all in one place!To view or trade
go to steem-engine.com.Nobody. Cares.
LOL how many people do you expect to use Steem in the future?
If you want a million people on Steem then even 100 coins is a lot.
I think you'd rather lord over your Empire of Dirt.
Speaking of shit, I took a dump in your wallet! Take a trip to the bathroom to claim your worthless SHIT!
They are both in the same gang?
Until the inflation dilutes the ninjamine, and the sucker mines of the bots dries up, there is not a lot that can be done.
Might as well accept it and hope he knows what he is doing.
We haven't gone back to .07usd, I don't know our satoshi low, if you are in for the long term it doesn't really matter a lot.
I'm up more than I would be on fedbook.
In fact, fedbook blocked me in 2012.
No one in the same gang asks, "Oh hey, can you scout this account with a spy and then send me the screen shot of the outcome so I know what to attack with?"
A week ago I would have told you they were obviously two different people,
but now it's very unclear.
I've left out quite a bit of the circumstantial evidence because it's so flimsy and odd.
And then there's the whole weird thing with @themadcurator account.
Feels like it shouldn't be that hard to verify two separate people that are in constant communication.
Edited: gif says it all
If we end up in the same destination, it won't matter much one way or the other?
Lord knows who is, and who isn't, a sock puppet.
Maybe it's just you, me and some AI.
Or maybe it's just me and AI.
Maybe the AI is controlling me, and you.
Either way, drama won't help much.
Info is good, though.
You do pretty well at that,...
We've been talking about how this would make an excellent premise for a SciFi novel.
What if Steem is a government experiment of human interactions with an artificial intelligence societal simulation?
Errr... I mean BEEP BEEP BOOP BOOP 🤖 Nothing to see here fellow robots!
Now if the ai would just write it for us,...
Maybe @richq11, @angryman, or @thelightreports would like a crack at it?
I'm a bot.
This post is supported by $47.0 @tipU upvote funded by @fulltimegeek :)
@tipU voting service: instant upvotes + profit sharing tokens | For investors.
Don't commit suicide by DRAMA.
Nice show last night.
You are a fuckin quickdraw I tell you what.
I actually use the site... It's an oddity on Steem.
Now that you made this post they will rearrange the situation as if you were the whiny butthurt kid. ;)
Yeah, this is about as whiny and butthurt as I get.
It will be a while before the next outburst.
I can tell you who's going to be the whiny butthurt one when a game comes to Steem and the "win" can't be bought. @drugwars is a great example of what's to come. Massive value transference looms on the horizon. The fools and the ninja-miners will be quite easily separated from their stake holdings as time ticks on.
Weirdly enough... that kind of decentralization likely amounts to those accounts who lost a lot of their coins still maintaining a higher dollar value. Crypto is so weird.
"Value transference" is for the weak and poor. You fit the bill perfectly.
The poor have no more value to squeeze.
Your complete lack of respect for wealth will eventually separate yourself from it.
Rich kids who get money dumped on them have a way of losing it.
Is it just me or does Bernie talk JUST LIKE Dr. Evil?

You know what, sybil attacks are effectively nullified by a logarithmic curve since it encourages stake concentration / discourages stake splitting and the Whale Experiment demonstrates that flagging can be used to bring in investors by nullifying Whale Votes and increasing everyone else's votes.
Posted using Partiko Android
I would say logarithmic curve encourages Sybil Attack and stake splitting. How could it possibly do the opposite?
Instead of upvoting one post for $100, ten posts will be upvoted for $10. Anyone who doesn't pivot to the new system is the one who loses money. Guess what? That's not going to be the big stake holders.
The rules can't be changed to force inflation away from the whales because the whales control the changes. In general, when you make the rules more complicated they'll be the ones to game the system while everyone that doesn't adapt will be the ones who lose money.
How do you Reason that it encourages Stake Splitting?
It clearly, with any doubt encourages Stake Concentration and Clearly, without any doubt, at all, discourages Stake Splitting.
Posted using Partiko Android