Five Facts About Me CHALLENGE - quite a personal post!

in #fivefacts7 years ago

I have been challenged again! Thanks @travelinggreek for that!!
I guess it is because I have been silent for a while, or maybe I should just talk more about myself ( thinking face...)

So here we go: #FIVEFACTS about myself


1 - I am still struggling to re-addapt in my own country!

I have returned to Romania 3 years ago after 11 years in Belgium and although they are both European countries, there are a lot of differences. I left Romania at the beginning of 2004 when it was not yet part of EU and I came back to a completely different country, but to which I cannot adapt 100% anymore.

2 - I am completely in love with Asia

I believe that I have lived there in my previous lives as I feel very at home on that continent. When I was little, I even used to be called "the little Chinese" because my eyes are a bit similar to Asian eyes (I am told).
My favourite country of all times is Japan but I seriously love all Asian countries (and have been to many of them).


3 - I cannot stand the oily feeling, especially on my hands! It creeps me out!!

I am really uncomfortable when I touch something oily. Because of that, I cannot fully enjoy an oil massage! And yet, I used to go to Kerala, India, every year for Ayurvedic treatments (mostly based on loads of oil massages and treatments). Last time I went there for 2 weeks and in the last 2 days I gave up the massages because of the oil!

4 - I suffer of FOMO

If you know a way to get rid of it I will love you forever! If you don't know what it is, better for you! Cause if you have it , it seems actually bigger once you give it a name! That's exactly what happened to me! 3 years ago, during a detailed research for my long term trip to Southeast Asia, I came across the FOMO term (Fear Of Missing Out). Only when I saw that such term existed I realised that I had it BIG TIME.

5 - I have become a social media addict

Instagram is my favourite platform (see below) and I spend most of my time there! But... I dedicate enough time to other platforms as well. In fact, I dedicate so much time that I cannot find time to write on my blog anymore. Still working on a plan! I am a full time blogger now so it comes with the "job" of course. But you know what they say "Do something you love and you'll never work a day in your life" . That's exactly how I feel right now. :-D
And because of this job I got to give a lot of interviews, including to some Romanian Television Channels.

So here's where you'll find me most of the time:


And now I am challenging @oliviadejeu to take this challenge and tell us FIVETHINGS about herself


Very interesting post Mihaela! I too am in love with Asia :)

Thanks Diego! Do you prefer any country in particular? :)