Pythagoras' Golden Thigh

in #fitrah7 years ago (edited)

The Bible says the angel grabbed Jacob in "the hollow of his thigh" and to make sure you got it right, it adds "in the sinewy which shrinks".
The only member near the thigh that shrinks is the phallus. In many writings "thigh" is a euphemism for the male organ. For some reason, people use a lot of eupehemisms when it comes to the penis. The Quran calls the male and female genitalia "their shame". It's called "member", "flesh", "organ", "manhood" and other names all over the world including slang words that are considered vulgar, such as "cock" and the Arabic word "dhik" which means rooster of cock.
One goal of spiritual cultivation is the alchemical transmutation of raw, animalistic sexual force into divine Shakt energy. That process is called "turning lead into gold".
When an initiate achieved such mastery he underwent symbolic ritual castration in which the penis foreskin was cut,i.e., circumscision. This signified the retention of semen whether or not the initiate engagd in sex. He did not lose his seminal power. Because semen retention was also believed to facilitate longevity, in China such a master was called an "immortal". In Mesopotamia he was called Khalid (plural Khalideen or Chaldean in the Bible) Khalideen is an Arabic word meaning "abiders" or immortals.
Egyptian initiates underwent circumscision and that practice was continued among their students called Jews who later forgot the initiatory significance and, like tha Arabs, also started circumcising all males. It is interesting that the same Hebrew word means both circumcised and initiated.
When it is said the circumcised initiate, Pythagoras, showed his golden thigh it's saying he taught the secrets of alchemical transmutation of raw male sex force into the "gold of the Gods " or Shekinah.
Circumscision deadens the nerves over 90% of the penis head. Therefore the cirucumcised male derives only a pittance of the pleasure of sex available to the uncircumcised male. But the initiate is able to enjoy sexual ecstasy through mutual Ching Chi and Kundalini exchanges so that his and her sexual pleasure greatly dwarfs that of the uncircumcised initiates.
But to perform circumcision on people who are still two-legged animals in their development is an act of violence that causes a plethora of psychological ailments and leads to sex offences and rape crimes.
Full sexual ecstasy enjoyed by initiates s called entering "the garden of bliss" in the Quaran. Tantric sexual yoga is also the subject of Solomon in the Bible.
It's a shame that so-called enlightened society does virtually nothing to teach men how to refine and cultivate their sexual energy,(i.e. how to "raise the Salact") such that men grow old and die with little more sexual cultivation than they had as teenagers.
Is it any wonder that rape and sexual assaults on women, children and even babies is epidemic around the world?
Every man's goal should be, like Pythagoras, to obtain a golden thigh.


The alchemy of it all is brilliant. The process of exchange and transformation that in occur in the body when the masculine and feminine merge is unprecedent. Despite the fact that the ancient knew of this power since the begging modern science is just realizing the full potential of the etheric body.