My Cup Runneth Over

in #fitrah7 years ago (edited)

The Holy Spirit is not a ghost. It is divine energy. God shared that energy with man and woman. Although God's energy as Shekinah is infinite, the allotment given to a human during his or her life is not infinite. Therefore initiates,(servants of God)had to learn where and how to store energy and preserve and conserve it.

Beneath the navel and behind it is an oval shaped energy field called Tan Tien or Hara. That is the place where energy is stored after it has been "stepped down" from Shekinah to Ruach to nephesh.

                  The Bible calls the Tan Tien a "cup.
                   Thou anointest my head with oil,
                    My cup runneth over.....
                                                           psalm 23:5

The energy that is preserved in the Tan Tien cup can heal, rejuvenate, prolong life, and be used to perform miracles, which Jesus simply calls "works."

When the cup is filled with life force it will spill over and that force will flow into all the channels and meridians, (rivers), that feed life to the organs,(cities), of the body.

Two main rivers run up the spine and down the front of the body. Smaller streams branch off from the main rivers and capillaries from these streams.

In future articles we will explore means of conserving nephesh life force to improve our lives and enhance our "works."