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RE: Dealing with Keto Flu and How to Adapt Quickly - The Keto Cut Day 2
nice and I see you get your MCT from I assume you listen to Joe Rogans Podcast, I remember Dr Rhonda Patrick was talking about how even black coffee breaks your fast.
ANYTHING that is not water starts to excrete digestive enzymes. But definitely those calories from MCT oil (8 calories per gram instead of the usual 9 calories per gram of fat) will hold you and not spike insulin that much
Yes I do! I'm also a HUGE fan of JRE, I've listened to just about every single episode. Yeah the last Rhonda Patrick interview actually surprised me about the fact that coffee breaks your fast - I wasn't aware until she mentioned it. I would say that my IF is a lot more loose than a strict fast like the one she described - I'm too much of a coffee and tea guy to make it through the morning without them! MCT oil also causes a major spike in Ketone production, especially on an empty stomach. I've found that drinking it with a cup of coffee/tea in the morning lights up my brain and I just feel ready to tackle anything! Have you tried MCT from onnit? If so, what do you think of it?
I have not tried mct oil from onnit, I haven't even tried it from anything other than Coconut Oil.
Used to put coconut oil in my coffee but now I am back to milk or cream.
If you're on a keto diet and are willing to spend the money ( It's about $22/mo with their subscription plan) I highly recommend the mct oil from onnit. It's just a pure version of coconut oil, but I also love it just for the convenience - it comes in one of those dripper bottles that you can pour the oil out with and it's amazing for when youre on the go. I also put some heavy cream or almond milk in my coffee alongside the oil.
That's honestly not that bad for such a great supplement!
Yeah I could see myself spending that on a supp every month. I need to read more about the benefits first!
Thanks for that info I will research more about the benefits of mct oil.
MCT oil is great, I think coconut oil is also great as well!