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RE: There's No Template For 'Healthy'

in #fitness8 years ago

About 3 Years ago i was really overweight.. By that time I was about 16 years old. I rarely did sports and I ate really unhealthy. Even though I started facing problems with my weight I was a really happy person. At least that is the way people described me. I was and I still see myself as a happy-guys but I also had a very low self-confidence. Beside that my body started to tell me that it was time to lose some weight. I had pain in my knees, my feet couldn't hold the weight and many more signs showed me that it was time for change

Today a few years later I lost 42 kilos, boosted my self-confidence and I rarely think about things like "Am I too fat?" - Simply because it feels good the way it is. I eat what I want, which is no problem because I learned to love the sports I'm doing. And the way it is, it is a well-being.

I think we should all just listn to what our body is trying to tell us. Sadly most of the people don't do it.

Thats a great post of you, you've got a new follower ;)


Thank you, @sidibeat. And kudos on learning to listen to your own body! I absolutely agree, it holds the key to our physical and mental health.