HIIT: Best Cardio for Testosterone boost and Profound Transformation.

in #fitness3 years ago (edited)

Here is the article from my site. Oldveteranfitness.com

HIIT stands for High Intensity Interval Training. It’s a good way to get a cardio workout in a much shorter time compared to steady state cardio like running or cycling, and it’s the best cardio to boost testosterone. While this article is really for everyone, some of the content will be more focused on the effects of HIIT on some hormones that are important to us older guys.

A little background on me. I was in the military and after that, was a Wildland Firefighter. I did a lot of long cardio training sessions. It was mostly running. Some people like running. Not me. It was the bane of my existence. I’m a big guy, and I don’t think my body is made for running. It was just painful for me. My ankles, knees, hips, lower back, all hurt. Actually, to tell you the truth, even my guts hurt when I run. The little voice in my head that I could ignore while hiking up a mountain with a 45 lb. pack and a chainsaw, becomes a nagging, defeatist, motivation killer when I run. But, enough bitching about running. This is about HIIT. It has kept me from being a fat old bastard.



HIIT vs Steady Cardio
EPOC is how many extra calories you burn After The Workout. This Afterburn effect from HIIT has been shown to boost your metabolic rate for 24 HOURS after HIIT. Studies have also shown a 20 minute HIIT workout has the same EPOC as a 60 minute steady state cardio workout. This is huge! You get all the gain, in 1/3 the invested time.

Health Benefits of HIIT Cardio
In people with diabetes and hypertension, HIIT showed a greater improvement in glycemic control, diastolic blood pressure, and resting heart rate, than regular cardio.

HIIT improves VO2 Max more than steady state cardio. The greater your VO2 Max, the more oxygen your body can consume and use.

HIIT burns as much FAT as regular cardio in 1/2 to 1/3 of the time.

HIIT is shown to to be the best cardio to boost or INCREASE TESTOSTERONE while steady long cardio workouts can actually decrease testosterone and breakdown muscle. Think about marathon runners compared to other athletes. True, they don’t have much fat to worry about, but they also don’t carry much muscle mass either. HIIT is IT for a natural testosterone boost. For us older guys building and maintaining muscle mass is very important. You don’t want to lose muscle, you want to lose fat. The more muscle you have, the more calories you burn. Supplements and diet, in conjunction with HIIT cardio, can really help boost testosterone. I use a product called MAN GREENS to mix in with my protein shake. It boosts testosterone, and has Moringa in it, that helps me with joint pain and arthritis.

Studies have shown HIIT increases HGH (Human Growth Hormone) right after a HIIT workout and during sleep, another big plus. HGH plays a role in keeping you looking and feeling young.

There is also reason to believe that HIIT helps regulate Insulin, Ghrelin (Hormone connected to appetite), and Irisin (hormone connected to skeletal muscle).

One other hormone we need to talk about when it comes to HIIT. Cortisol. Be careful not to over do it. That increases Cortisol, the stress hormone you want to avoid. You don’t want to over train, it screws up the whole program. Allow for plenty of rest, and make sure you get plenty of GOOD sleep. They say you need 8 hours, I don’t know if I’ll ever manage that. Every one is different I guess, I feel pretty good if I can get 6-7. I use an anabolic sleep aid, that also helps boost growth hormone called MAN SLEEP. The same company that makes the Man Greens. I’m a weirdo when it comes to supplements, I like the company that makes these. I try not to mix and match.

“F*ck my life!” How many Veterans thought that when they read 8 COUNT BODYBUILDERS.

Well, not to worry. We are starting off slow, and you will be able to scale up easily to what fits your current fitness level. Most of you probably aren’t familiar with the 4 count bodybuilder, because when you were 18 or 19, there was no reason to work your way up to an 8 count. But we are not 18 anymore, so we’re gonna ease into it. If you are up for the good old 8 count bodybuilders, though, by all means skip ahead and start there.

Warm up
We warmed up, even when we thought we were invincible. We have probably proven to ourselves that’s not true anymore, so I’m guessing I won’t have to try too hard to convince you it’s a good idea.

Pick 2 or 3 warm-up exercises like running in place, toe touches, bodyweight squats, etc. Spend a few minutes getting your blood pumping.

Time Intervals
We are going to start out with a 10 min set, with 45 second of working out, then 15 second of rest, then repeat until the 10 min set is completed. You are the best judge of where you are physically. Say your starting of with 4 counts. If 10 minutes at 45 on,15 off is a breeze, increase the total time by a minute, or move to the 6 or 8 count bodybuilders. Keep doing this until you find a spot where you feel you are getting a good workout. It’s called high intensity for a reason, just don’t go overboard. A fairly common pitfall is to be so gung-ho, you go hard for the first week or two and end up over trained and burned out.



The 4 Count Bodybuilder
Start from a standing position. Go to position 1, then 2, back to 1, and stand. You have just completed one 4 Count Bodybuilder.

The 6 Count Bodybuilder
Start from a standing position. Go to position 1, then 2, then 3, then 4, back to 1, and stand. That is a 6 Count Bodybuilder.

The 8 Count Bodybuilder
Complete all positions in the diagram above. If you really want to amp it up, you can finish by jumping straight up from position 7, instead of simply standing up.

Keep Going!
They say it takes 21 days to form a habit, so keep it up. There really is no better way to get rid of those aches and pains from being sedentary, than moving your body.

I truly believe at least substituting some steady cardio with some HIIT workouts will benefit you, and for us older guys it’s the best cardio to boost testosterone

Here is the CYA part. I’m not a doctor, and this is not medical advise. Talk to your physician before starting a fitness program. That is all. Carry on.