So If You're Bored, Dreading Your Workouts or Experiencing a Plateau, Start Mixing dat uppp 👍🏼
Keeping your workouts fresh, new and exciting not only helps you enjoy your health and fitness lifestyle, it also shocks your body!! If you find yourself experiencing a plateau in your results, don't get down, give up and devour that block of chocolate 🖐🏼
Try mixing something up!! I can do some 'difficult' things in the gym like chin ups, moving squat jumps and stair master sprints, but that's because my muscle memory is a sneaaaakkkyy dog. My body knows what to expect and is now pretty much immune to my workouts. Today I mixed up my usual gym session by starting my morning with a fun sand dune workout, then finished the afternoon with a low intensity ab session.
So if you're bored, dreading your workouts or experiencing a plateau, start mixing dat uppp 👍🏼
You are so beautiful! 😍
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!cheetah ban
Okay, I have banned @sarahs.