I Gotta Lose the Weight...I'm a Fat Ass :)

in #fitness6 years ago (edited)

I am 6 ft. and most of my adult life been between 195 and 205 lbs. My highest ever was 220lbs like 14 years ago.


Here in the last few months I have had Thyroid issues which have escalated my weight to new heights.( See scale below...to my defense I am very muscular but still way too much fat))

I am very Active...

I play disc golf 3 to 4 times a week( which is walking 18 holes rapidly) as well as working out with the Total Gym twice a week and the stationary bike 3 times a week. On top of this , the last 5 weeks been doing Frightfest and burning major calories running and scaring people for nearly 4 hours straight at a time.


the weight fails to fall off. Just gaining. And my appetite is no different than it was 6 months ago when I was less active and ate the same diet 😒


So I am baring down big time and eating these protein meal replacement shakes to burn this weight off.

Wish me luck.

Robert Andrew

Uhgghh...the scale doesn't lie ( Below is my current weight)



I can tell you from experience that exercise has almost nothing to do with weight loss it is mostly dietary choices.
I'm a cardio junkie and was stuck at 240 for years but never lost the weight until I checked my diet (vegan/vegetarian) and the weight started coming off and lost 80 pounds and i kept it off for 5 years now.
I'm still cardio obsessed but I only do it because it makes me feel euphoric not for weight loss.
I'd say check a healthy diet that works for you and stay consistent.

Good luck on your journey :)

Yeah, the consistent healthy diet is the way to go. That is even harder to me than going to the gym! You have to really change your habit patterns.

Good luck, Robert! You and I are in the same boat. I am 6' and about 245 at the moment. I tend to have a lot of muscle weight as well, but the fat is really putting me over the edge. If I didn't have so much muscle to burn the fat, I think I'd be at least 300lbs right now.

I think the best I ever looked and felt was at age 30 when I weighed between 190-200. I was working out a lot in those days. I am fed up with this belly!

Good luck, Robert! You and I are in the same boat. I am 6' and about 245 at the moment. I tend to have a lot of muscle weight as well, but the fat is really putting me over the edge. If I didn't have so much muscle to burn the fat, I think I'd be at least 300lbs right now

Yep that's funny. Because I would be the exact same thing. i.e. over 300lbs. It's 5 in morning here right now. Just woke up to feed the dog. And proud because I did NOT snack late last night lie usual. Just one protein bar for dinner. And I will drink protein drink here in a few minutes. Just determined to get to 210 or so :)

I’ve seen some people lose weight on a disc golf diet before. They played all day everyday, lost a bunch of weight, got a job & then gained it all back!

Have you tried intermittent fasting & eating a lot of vegetables & fats? Weight flies off me when I do.

I was about 280 at my heaviest, but have kept in the 215-230 range for the last 15 years. I think what I eat is far more important than how much I exercise when going up & down in that range as I often do. Eating to promote healthy testosterone production is really important for me I think.

This guy tries to use science based evidence as much as possible & knows a lot about nutrition & intermittent fasting if you’re interested

The one benefit of being very short is I don't have much space to fill up. Aside from getting a bit of belly in my old age, generally I have some how managed to maintain a pretty steady weight over the years.

I can't say I have a magic solution for you, but there seems to be plenty of good advice already in your comments.

#thealliance #witness

Best of luck in losing the weight, Rob. I don’t have any pearls of wisdom except drink your coffee black. Cut back on sugar as much as possible...especially those KK donuts. 😊 🤗

Wish you well but dont stress yourself that much in trying to reduce your weight.

I don't have any experience with weight loss but I remember when I was working out regularly, I gained a few kilograms (as I built some muscles) and a lot of fitness trainers recommend taking your measures with a measuring tape rather than using a scale or just paying attention how clothes fits you.

Good luck on your weight loss journey, you got this!

I'm doing the same thing, I've just started blogging about my journey (ups and downs) If you want to follow along with my journey you'll have someone going through the same struggles. Hit me up if you have any questions! Good Luck!

Espero amigo le encuentres una solución rapida no solo a los problemas con el peso sino que tambien le puedas encontrar una solución a la tiroides @robertandrew y volver a tu peso ideal

Good, just turn it to the muscles:)