On the way to a dream or how to get yourself started training?

in #fitness7 years ago (edited)


The biggest journey begins with one small step. In our case, this is a step into the gym. Here also flew for another year, and again you did not deign to visit the local gym in the neighboring yard, which was going to go 'from Monday', 'from next month', 'after the holidays', etc. How quickly time flies! But your less lazy friend has already managed to decently podkachat muscles during this time and pacing proudly in a tight T-shirt, catching the admiring glances of the girls. Is the familiar situation true?

However, I want to reassure you - such as you are the majority. All of us dream to start a new life one day, to become better in something, to learn something, and what can be refused. The pursuit of excellence is what drives us throughout our lives. For ourselves, we always choose the best: stylish and fashionable clothes, the most modern and sophisticated household appliances, a chic and expensive car, and next to ourselves we certainly want to see an attractive partner. So in the desire to look good there is nothing supernatural, who does not want to have a beautiful muscular body and a portion of increased attention in addition to it? But the trouble is that one's desire is not enough. To achieve these goals, it is necessary to take any action, which is sometimes difficult for us to decide, and the reason for this is a lot of excuses for our own laziness, which we often come up with. Let's consider the main reasons for which we justify our unwillingness to train and try to find the means of struggle against them. So let's go ...

  1. Number one in our ranking of excuses - 'How will others look at me, because I'm clearly not in the best shape?'

Yes Yes! Most people are often dependent on someone else's opinion and are simply afraid of condemnation from others. Complexing about overweight or excessive leanness - they are embarrassed by their appearance and it is for this reason that they deny themselves a visit to the gym. This is especially true of some girls who believe that going to a sports club is a kind of social event where you just need to look like at a reception with an English queen. And boys, too, sometimes can surprise. So, for example, some of them try to 'prepare' themselves for training in the gym. It sounds crazy, is not it? It's like having breakfast before breakfast. At home, they begin to perform all conceivable and unimaginable exercises, in the hope of 'pumping themselves' and putting themselves in order. Thus, without knowing the basic principles of training and nutrition, they simply lose precious time, and the mirror does not change any changes. Moreover, the lack of knowledge about the technique of performing exercises, puts them at serious risk of injury.

Try to just believe it, and soon you will see for yourself that the inhabitants of the gym are least interested in your appearance. All of them are busy only with themselves, and certainly they did not come here to discuss the volume of your biceps, how much you squeeze lying down, or the presence of your beer belly. In addition, a man determined to change himself for the better, certainly causes respect. He is no longer just a vegetable lying on the sofa with a can of beer in his hand, but a man going to the goal. You will be pleasantly surprised that the vast majority of visitors to gyms are quite open and pleasant people. They will help and support the council. With many you just make friends. In addition, the very atmosphere reigning in the simulator promotes the mood for a fruitful work on oneself. There are no comfortable soft armchairs, refrigerators stuffed with delicious food, a computer with your favorite on-line game and other factors distracting from training. Here they 'plow' and sweat, charging with special energy and good sports anger. That is why, in a circle of the same people united by common goals, you will achieve much more than doing yourself on your own at home. Just remember that all the owners of a perfect physique were not born that way, but once for the first time, as you crossed the threshold of the gym. They just did it a little earlier than you did. The time will come and beginners will look at you with envy and reverence, but for now the doubt is off and on to the goal!
To be continued...

My friends, I will be happy with your assessments and comments! All good!