If It Ain't Rough

in #fitness2 months ago

Today, I got out of the house for a walk. I'm still recovering from my surgery so I haven't been doing any real exercising of any kind. It felt good to get out there, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't worn out afterwards. I did more than 5 times of what I averaged over the previous 4 days.

I finished the day with over 7900 steps. I also had 26 active zone minutes. I actually finished with over 8k steps but I don't feel like resyncing again. I also finished with 6 floors. I might try to do better on that tomorrow, but I won't overdo it.

Continuing with the theme: Each night I post the song that was playing as I ended the workout and use that as the title for the post for that day. Today that song was If It Ain't Ruff by NWA. I don't have much to say about this song other than I love the beat. The title is also fitting for how I feel today.

Will that's about it. Tomorrow I plan to keep better track of my food. Aiming for a calorie deficit.
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on actifit.io

162.5 cm
111.1 kg
Body Fat