5 Simple Fitness Tips for a Better Lifestyle

in #fitness6 years ago

Living a healthy lifestyle can be difficult especially with so much going on in our lives. It is easy to forget about ourselves and look after our body, so we have come up with a few simple tips that will help you live a healthier lifestyle and get you fitter!

Hopefully you can try a few out and see if they work for you. Rome wasn’t built in a day, so don’t except your body to change overnight and remember being fit is always more important than looking fit. Getting a better lifestyle improves your health which in turns will give you more energy and positively affect your attitude.

5 top Fitness Tips
Hydration is the key!
Drinking fluids in general will help you keep healthy. A hydrated body delivers more energy, improved stamina and alertness. If weight loss is your particular goal, drinking ice water burns extra calories due to the body having to warm up to counter temperature change. Avoid drinking fizzy drinks as much as possible; a lot of people are unaware actually how much sugar is in them, which is subsequently stored by your body if you do not have an active lifestyle.

Variety is the spice of life
Combining cardio and weight training is a very effective way to keep healthy. Cardio training is the best way to burn fat during activities but effective weight training creates an after burn effect, which means your body burns calories even after you've finished exercising.

Interval training
Finding enough time to work out can be an issue. Interval training is based on higher intensity work for shorter periods of time. This method is far more time friendly and can offer better results than steady workouts done at one particular speed.

Procrastination kills
If you wait for the perfect conditions you’ll never get started, equally you need to enjoy your exercise if it’s going to become a permanent part of your lifestyle. Remember there is no one set path to achieving your goal. Find what works best for and stick with it! The most important thing is getting started, ‘80% of success is showing up’ - Woody Allen

What motivates you?
Find a workout partner to train with, interaction with people whilst exercising can distract the brain from the activity and help you go for longer. Set yourself realistic goals over specific periods of time.!