Fitness steem blog

in #fitness6 years ago


Have you ever heard someone say they 'turned fat into 💪 muscle' or vice versa? While it would be cool to have fat cells transform into lean muscle tissue,this is impossible,amd a pretty common myth in the fitness space.
Let's take a quick look at the two processes the body uses to build muscle and burn fat.
Your body fats and muscle are made upof completely different cell structure and they are so different that they cannot be converted to each other. Your muscle is very much alive and work very hard, burn calories 24/7 whereas fat just sits there's doing nothing and just plain looking ugly. How can they be the same or can be converted to each other.
Fat burning involves fatty acid oxidation into carbon dioxide. In a negative energy balance, when there is less energy from food available than the body needs for energy, the body breaks down fat cells through a process called lipolysis so they can be used for energy.
Muscle growth on the other hand is based on net protein balance between protein muscle synthesis (MPS) and protein muscle breakdown (MPB). As MPS outpaces MPB, typically with resistance training and High protein diets, the result is increased lean mass.
Some personal experience required me to share this knowledge with uh guys...