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RE: Missing the good old habits: a breakdance story

in #fitness7 years ago

Impressive, man! I like your idea of taking care of habits. My cornerstone is Tai Chi, similar to breakdance in refining movement for movement's sake and for balance and skill. It seems like an interesting contrast... Tai Chi could be described as an internal exercise or meditation, while breakdance in how you describe it seems to connect you with others externally. Outside of caring for the habit, what about dancing specifically motivates you?


Dude that question is so spot on. I have long meditated on that same question. Once, I came to the conclusion that often I do train and improve my moves in order to make them more beautiful externally (to the observer).

Then I realized I didnt want it to be focused externally only; it felt wrong. The desire should be to also to enjoy the move from an internal perspective.

What I mean is, I want to enjoy the sensations, I want to feel my body and experiment the fly of my body.

At the end of the day, whatever dance you dance: "dance to express, not to impress"

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