Want to lose weight but lack discipline? Read this!

in #fitness7 years ago

Ever set a new year resolution at the start of the year but forgot all about it by March? Well, there’s one thing that plagues all of us like a bug and that is PROCRASTINATION. Procrastination is the enemy of discipline but how can we build the discipline to stick to our fitness goals? Here are some of my tested and proven tips!

Step 1: Set A Goal!

Set a goal and place reminders of that goal in visible places. For example, if you want to lose 20 pounds, write that goal — and the steps you will take to achieve it — on a piece of paper and tape it to your refrigerator. Tape another to the bathroom mirror. Make an image file of your goals and use it as your computer desktop or smartphone screen. The more visual reminders you give yourself throughout the day, the harder they are to ignore.


Step 2: Pay For It!

Studies have shown that you are more likely to do something that you have personal stake in it. Sign up for a exercise class package. If you’ve paid for sessions, that’s extra motivation to attend.


Step 3: Declare Your Intentions Publicly

Declare your intentions publicly on a social media page or blog. Friends on social media or blog commenters can be powerful motivators when you don’t want to work out or when you want to binge on junk food. Post your workout plan for the day to your social media page as soon as you wake up, and tell your friends to comment on your status throughout the day asking if you’ve followed through.

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Step 4: Make a Bet with Someone

Compete with someone. Make a bet with a family member or friend and set the stakes high enough that you don’t want to lose. For example, if you don’t exercise for 30 minutes per day, five days per week, you have to do the dishes for a month, take your competitor on a weekend vacation or — the best motivator of all — give him money.

Step 5: Create a Reward Chart for Yourself

Just like how parents and teachers create reward charts for young children, try creating a reward chart for yourself! All you need is to create an Excel table containing your specific goals on one end of the column and the specific time of day you are planning to do them. Each time you complete the scheduled workout or goal, put a tick or a sticker (if you like) in that box. Stick this reward chart somewhere you will see every day, like on your bathroom wall or mirror, so you have a visual idea of how you progress. At the end of the week, reward yourself (not with junk food of course!) for a job well done. For example, you could reward yourself with a new sports top every month you complete your stated goals. This sounds ridiculously simple or even childish, but trust me, it works!


Step 5: Just Move For 5 Minutes

Commit to at least five minutes of exercise each day. Don’t want to go to the gym? Fine. Jog in place for five minutes in your living room, go for a five-minute walk, or put on your favorite song and dance vigorously until it’s over. Build a daily exercise habit, even if the time you put in seems negligible. By forcing yourself to do what’s good for you, even for just a few minutes, you build a sense of mastery over bad habits and inertia.


Step 7: Control What You See

If what you are seeing every time you open Facebook or Instagram are pictures of sinful food and where to find them, you need to put a stop to this. Instead start subscribing to the Facebook and Instagram accounts of individuals who are actively on the journey of losing weight like you, or have already done so. Start subscribing to Instagram accounts of healthly food recipes like salads, overnight oats and such. Soon you will find yourself steering towards these healthy food choices as well.

Step 8: Think and Grow Thin

Sit in a quiet spot and meditate. Breathe deeply and calm your mind while visualizing your goals. Schedule a short meditation session every day to check in with yourself, calm your racing mind, and refocus your attention on what you really want.

Remember: If you’re persistent, you’ll have it. If you’re consistent, you’ll keep it!
