Me and My 30 Days Plank Challenge! / 我和我30天的前板挑战!

in #fitness7 years ago (edited)


What better picture to describe my joy on the completion of my inaugural 30 days challenge. What started out as a just-for-fun, too-free-nothing-to-do try out became a personal challenge, not just physically but mentally as well. As mentioned in my previous post, this is the first time I have done something so consistently for 30 days straight!


The Challenge
Though it only takes about 5 minutes, keeping at it was a challenge in itself. There were days when I felt complete fatigue after a day of work, mummy duties and housework (I do not have a helper). There were days when there were simply more fun things to do like watching TV or YouTube. There were a few days when I was holidaying and could have convinced myself to skip these few days and make up for it when I return. BUT, I told myself, a challenge is meant to be challenging. I just have to do it!

The Result – Physical
And so, 30 days on… I can finally give myself a big pat. 30 front planks and 30 side planks! (of course, 30 X 2 plank pictures as well!) My initial goal was to able to hold my plank for 5 minutes on day 30. However, at my mid-point review, I found that my FORM was not exactly right. So, instead of striving to improve my timing, I aimed to improve my form first, while keeping at the same timing. At so, finally at day 30, I managed to hold my front plank for 3 minutes, side planks for 2 minutes per side. And yes, planking really strengthens and tones up your body. I am starting to see stronger arms (more push ups), tighter core, and sculpted thighs!

Learning point: It is okay to improvise, as long as you are improving. Again, learn to manage your expectations and work with what you have.


The Result – Mental
I remember there was one day I did my plank at 2 am because I fell alseep right on my kid’s bed! There was once I wore my workout attire to sleep just so I could do my plank first thing in the morning. There were many times I was not satisfied with my form and kept re-doing my planks. The challenge wasn’t just about planking alone. It was about the mental grit and determination to keep on keeping on! In the end, what I got was more than a stronger body, it was a stronger mind. A mind to believe that everything and anything is possible if you put your heart and mind into it.

Learning point: Never give up, because the time will pass anyway.
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Moving on…
Will I still be doing planks? Why, of course! I will continue to incorporate planking into my workout routine and hopefully achieve 5 minutes (with proper form) one fine day! Will I be doing more 30 days challenges? You bet!

In fact, I am starting a new 30 days plank challenge starting from Tues 4 July, in commemoration of Independence Day.

And I've inviting YOU, yes YOU, to join me!

You can choose to follow the schedule below as a guide or if it's too easy for you, feel free to stretch your plank time, as long as you follow through to planking at least once everyday for 30 days.


The plank challenge will end on 3 August and then we can have a celebration party together, virtually of course.


  1. Plant the hands directly under the shoulders or on your forearms, slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, like you’re about to do a push-up.

  2. Ground the toes into the floor and squeeze the glutes to stabilize the body. Be careful not to lock or hyperextend your knees.

  3. Neutralize the neck and spine by looking at a spot on the floor about a foot beyond the hands. Your head should be in line with your back.

  4. Hold the position for 20 seconds. As you get more comfortable with the move, hold your plank for as long as possible without compromising form or breath.

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Please leave me a comment below if you are going to join me in the 30 days plank challenge from 4 July to 3 Aug!

Let's do it!




结果 - 身体上
所以,30天了...我终于可以给自己鼓励。 30个前板和30个侧板! 我的初始目标是能够在第30天握住我的板条5分钟。但是,在我的中点审查中,我发现我姿势不正确。所以,我首先改进我的形式。这样,终于在第30天, 我的前板3分钟,侧板每边2分钟。前板真的加强了你的身体。我开始感觉更强壮,更紧密的核心和苗条大腿!

学习点:只要你在改进,即兴即可。学会管理你的期望, 你会最终实现它!

结果 - 心理
我记得有一天我在凌晨2点做了我的木板,因为我在我孩子的床上睡着了!有一次我穿着我的锻炼服装睡觉,第一可以在早上做我的前板挑战。很多次我不满意我的姿势,不断重新做我的前板。挑战是关于精神坚定和坚持不懈的决心!最后,我所得到的不仅仅是一个更强大的身体,更强大的心灵。如果你专注于某事, 一切都是可能的。


我还会做前板挑战吗? 当然!我将继续将板加入我的锻炼程序中,希望达到5分钟, 正确的形式!

事实上,我从7月2日星期二开始,为 美国纪念独立日开始 30天的新挑战。



前板挑战将于8月3日结束,然后我们可以在互联网上, 一起举行庆祝派对!


  1. 将脚趾放在地板上,挤压臀部以使身体稳定。小心不要锁定或伸张你的膝盖。

  2. 通过观察地板上的一个地点,你的头应该与你的背部一致。





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