The Best Time To Do Cardio Workout
I have been very struck by the large number of people who perform, and coaches who recommend the cardiovascular exercises to burn fat, but they do it in an inefficient way. They make them before working on weights. The error here is at the moment in which they are doing it.
To understand why, I should explain a basic metabolic principle. They have told us since elementary school, fats are energy in reserve, so the body stores energy in the form of fat. Like the gas tank of the car, it is impossible to use the reserve of the gas tank while it is full, cars only use the reserve when the tank is already empty.
Starting from this principle, if the fat is the RESERVE energy of the body, then like any reserve bank, it is only used when the immediate energy source has been finished (which in our case are carbohydrates or sugars), Bone while the body has some sugar or carbohydrates available that is what you use to perform your activities, you will never use the stored fats as long as you have your preferred source of available carbohydrate energy.
It is important to emphasize that the substrate or primary fuel for cardiovascular or aerobic exercises is fat, and for resistance or anaerobic exercises such as weights, they are carbohydrates. But although fats only oxidize in the presence of oxygen, bone that is burned with aerobic or cardiovascular exercises (this is the reason why they are the preferred fuel for the heart), they do not begin to be used until:
No run out of carbohydrates in the body.
After at least 20 minutes of continuous heartbeat when the body realizes that it is doing an aerobic activity, and decides to change its metabolic pathway to start using fat.
So, do not think that the best time to make the cardio is when we have less sugar available? And those moments are:
When we get up, on an empty stomach, because we have not eaten for at least 6 hours
AFTER WEIGHING, because as carbohydrates are the preferred fuel of the muscles to make the weights, when you finish training the body has consumed, and if we ride the treadmill after doing weights, we will be burning fat almost immediately.
In the opposite case, everyone who does the cardio before the weights, is spending the carbohydrates in the heart and is not burning fat, and then when going to do the weights after the cardio, the muscle no longer has sugar to make its work (the carbohydrates were consumed), then it uses the proteins of its tissues and it gets smaller.
Those who make this crass mistake end up with very little decrease in body fat and much less muscle mass, with less strength during their workouts and sporting more flaccid bodies.
So dear friends, I urge you to do things the appropriate way, and give yourself the opportunity for a change, because this is the only requirement for evolution . Remember that we are all a project in full and constant development.
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