GYM ROOM UTENSILS- Barbell Training

The most widely renowned strength apparatus and likely, the most commonly used, the barbell has been the staple of strength training for powerlifters, Olympic weightlifters, crossfitters, bodybuilders and traditional sports athletes, for decades. Its simplicity, availability, versatility and potential for loading, make it a must-have strength tool for any weight room. The barbell can come in various sizes, usually between 5 and 7 feet in length, 1 inch in diameter, with some bars being slightly thicker for the given purpose of improving grip strength, and traditionally weighs 20 kilograms, some bars may weigh as a low as 10 kilograms. Some barbells are designed to withstand the impact of being dropped from heights as high as overhead, this is suit the rigours of Olympic lifting. As I have very limited to almost no training in Olympic lifting, this article will not include any information on the topic and will instead provide insight into more standardized barbell movements.
This blog piece will run through the barbells advantages, disadvantages, exercise options and a few of many possible workout routines. I hope to provide some foundational and even additional insight on a topic many of you may have already explored and that some of you have barely scratched the surface of.
- The barbell can be heavily loaded, more so than any other utensil.
- The barbell is a very versatile tool, the exercises that can be performed with solely a barbell are numerous and cover the entire body and spectrum of strength.
- The weight is evenly distributed across the bar.
- can be easily used in combination with other tools to add variation and a difference in stimulus I.e. bands, chains, fat grips, boards, benches.
- Barbells and the plates loaded upon are rather cheap given its exercise versatility and is pound for pound the cheapest tool.
- Does not have the unilateral potential of other tools.
- Forces the user into a locked position, meaning they can’t alter their grip to alleviate pain, joint stress or to provide a different stimulus.
Back squat | hip flexion, knee flexion | Quads, glutes, hamstrings | strength, hypertrophy, power |
Front squat | hip flexion, knee flexion | Quads, glutes, hamstrings | strength, hypertrophy, power |
Box squat | hip flexion, knee flexion | Quads, glutes, hamstrings | strength, hypertrophy, power |
Split squat | unilateral hip flexion/hip extension, knee flexion | Quads, glutes, hamstrings | strength, hypertrophy, power, unilateral stability |
Zercher squat | hip flexion, knee flexion | Quads, glutes, hamstrings | strength, hypertrophy |
Lunge | unilateral hip flexion/hip extension, knee flexion | Quads, glutes, hamstrings | strength, hypertrophy, unilateral stability |
Reverse Lunge | unilateral hip flexion/hip extension, knee flexion | Glutes, quads, hamstrings | strength, hypertrophy, unilateral stability |
Bulgarian split squat | unilateral hip flexion/hip extension, knee flexion | Quads, glutes, hamstrings | strength, hypertrophy, unilateral stability |
Barbell step-up | unilateral hip flexion/hip extension, knee flexion | Quads, glutes, hamstrings | strength, hypertrophy, unilateral stability |
Deadlift | hip extension, knee extension | Hamstrings, lats, erector spinae | strength, hypertrophy, power |
Sumo deadlift | hip extension, knee extension | Hamstrings, lats, erector spinae | strength, hypertrophy, power |
Romanian deadlift | hip extension | hamstrings, erector spinae | strength, hypertrophy |
Straight leg deadlift | hip extnesion | hamstrings, erector spinae | strength, hypertrophy |
Good morning | hip flexion, hip extension, knee extension | glute max, hamstrings, erector spinae | strength |
Seated good morning | hip flexion, hip extension | glute max, hamstrings, erector spinae | strength |
Hip Thrusts | hip extension | glutes, hamstrings | strength, hypertrophy, power |
Thrusters | hip flexion, knee flexion, shoulder abduction, scapula external rotation, elbow extension | Quads, glutes, hamstrings, anterior delt, middle delt, upper pec, upper trap, triceps | hypertophy, strength, power |
Push press | hip flexion, knee flexion, shoulder abduction, scapula external rotation, elbow extension | Quads, glutes, hamstrings, anterior delt, middle delt, upper pec, upper trap, triceps | hypertophy, strength, power |
Weighted calf raises | plantar flecion | gastrocnemius | strength, hypertrophy, muscular endurance |

Incline bench press | Horizontal shoulder flexion, scapula projection, elbow extension | Pec major, pec minor, anterior delts, triceps | strength, hypertrophy, power |
Flat bench press | Horizontal shoulder flexion, scapula projection, elbow extension | Pec major, pec minor, anterior delts, triceps | strength, hypertrophy, power |
Decline bench press | Horizontal shoulder flexion, scapula projection, elbow extension | Pec major, pec minor, anterior delts, triceps | strength, hypertrophy, power |
Floor press | Horizontal shoulder flexion, scapula projection, elbow extension | Pec major, pec minor, anterior delts, triceps | strength, hypertrophy, power |
Close grip bench press | Horizontal shoulder flexion, scapula projection, elbow extension | Triceps. pec major, pec minor, anterior delts | strength, hypertrophy, power |
Board press | Horizontal shoulder flexion, scapula projection, elbow extension | Triceps pec major, pec minor, anterior delts | strength, hypertrophy, power |
Rack press | Horizontal shoulder flexion, scapula projection, elbow extension | Pec major, pec minor, anterior delts, triceps | strength, hypertrophy, power |
Military press | shoulder abduction, scapula external rotation, elbow extension | anterior delt, middle delt, upper pec, upper trap, triceps | hypertophy, strength |
Behind the neck military press | shoulder abduction, scapula external rotation, elbow extension | anterior delt, middle delt, upper pec, upper trap, triceps | hypertophy, strength |
Seated military press | shoulder abduction, scapula external rotation, elbow extension | anterior delt, middle delt, upper pec, upper trap, triceps | hypertophy, strength |
Seated behind the neck military press | shoulder abduction, scapula external rotation, elbow extension | anterior delt, middle delt, upper pec, upper trap, triceps | hypertophy, strength |
Push press | hip flexion, knee flexion, shoulder abduction, scapula external rotation, elbow extension | Quads, glutes, hamstrings, anterior delt, middle delt, upper pec, upper trap, triceps | hypertophy, strength, power |
Upright row | shoulder abduction, elbow flexion | middle delt, anterior delt, traps, teres minor | hypertrophy, strength |
Shrugs | scapula elevation, retraction | upper trap, middle trap, levator scap | hypertrophy, strength |
Behind the back shrugs | scapula elevation, retraction | upper trap, middle trap, levator scap | hypertrophy, strength |
Landmine press | shoulder abduction, scapula external rotation, elbow extension | anterior delt, middle delt, upper pec, upper trap, triceps, core | hypertophy, strength, power |
Bent over row | shoulder extension, scapula retraction, elbow flexion | lats, lower and mid traps, rhomboids, posterior delt, biceps | strength, hypertrophy |
Pendlay row | shoulder extension, scapula retraction, elbow flexion | lats, lower and mid traps, rhomboids, posterior delt, biceps | strength, hypertrophy, power |
T-bar row | shoulder extension, scapula retraction, elbow flexion | lats, lower and mid traps, rhomboids, posterior delt, biceps | strength, hypertrophy |
Meadow rows | shoulder extension, scapula retraction, elbow flexion | lats, lower and mid traps, rhomboids, posterior delt, biceps | strength, hypertrophy |
Bench row | shoulder extension, scapula retraction, elbow flexion | lats, lower and mid traps, rhomboids, posterior delt, biceps | strength, hypertrophy, power |
Rack pull | hip extension, knee extension | traps, upper back, hamstrings, glutes, erector spinae | strength, hypertrophy, power |
Snatch grip deadlift | hip extension, knee extension | traps, upper back, hamstrings, glutes, erector spinae | strength, hypertrophy, power |
Inverted row variations | shoulder extension, scapula retraction, elbow flexion | lats, lower and mid traps, rhomboids, posterior delt, biceps | strength, hypertrophy, muscular endurance, power |
Bicep curl | elbowflexion | brachioradialis, brachialis | hypertophy, strength |
Reverse curl | elbowflexion | brachioradialis, brachialis | hypertophy, strength |
Skull crushers | elbow extension | triceps brachii | hypertrophy, strength |
Close grip bench press | Horizontal shoulder flexion, scapula projection, elbow extension | Triceps. pec major, pec minor, anterior delts | strength, hypertrophy, power |
Board press | Horizontal shoulder flexion, scapula projection, elbow extension | Triceps. pec major, pec minor, anterior delts | strength, hypertrophy, power |
Wrist curls | wrisrt flexion | wrist flexors | hypertrophy, strength |
Wrist extensions | wrist extension | wrist extensors | hypertrophy, strength |
Landmine torso twist | obliques, rectus abdominis | trunk rotation | hypertrophy, strength, power |
Barbell side bend | obliques, rectus abdominis | trunk flexion | hypertrophy, strength |
Seated barbell trunk rotations | obliques, rectus abdominis | trunk rotation | hypertrophy, strength |
Barbell rollout | trunk flexion, trunk extension | rectus abdominis, transverse abdominals, obliques | hypertrophy, strength, stability |
Listed below are various sessions, each of a different purpose, all using solely a single barbell and in some situations a bench of some sort.
Terms explained:
(BB) Barbell.
(SETS) The number of times a sequence of repetitions is performed.
(REPS) The number of times an exercise is repeated in sequence.
(TEMPO) The speed at which a bare is lowered then paused and then lifted.
(A1/A2 etc.) Supersets, exercises performed back to back without rest. Exercises of the same letter are performed as a pair or tri-set, you must complete the rep and set scheme for each exercise of the same lettering before continuing on to the next letter.
(WORK) The time period in which a circuit participant must complete as many complete repetitions as possible.
(REST) The period of rest which follows a period of work.
Rest for 90 to 120 seconds between sets.
A1 | Front squat | 4 | 8 | 3:0:1 |
A2 | Romanian Deadlift | 4 | 8 | 3:0:1 |
B1 | Barbell step-up | 4 | 8 | 3:0:1 |
B2 | Reverse Lunge | 4 | 8 | 3:0:1 |
C | Weighted calf raise | 4 | 8 | 3:0:1 |
Rest for 90 to 120 seconds between sets.
A1 | Floor press | 4 | 8 | 3:0:1 |
A2 | Bent over row | 4 | 8 | 3:0:1 |
B1 | Landmine press | 4 | 8 | 3:0:1 |
B2 | Meadow rows | 4 | 8 | 3:0:1 |
C1 | Close grip bench press | 4 | 8 | 3:0:1 |
C2 | Bicep curl | 4 | 8 | 3:0:1 |
Rest 2-3 minutes between sets.
A | Box squat | 3 | 5 | 3:0:X |
B | Board press | 3 | 5 | 3:0:X |
C | Pendlay row | 3 | 5 | 3:0:X |
Circuit 1
Rest for 1 minute when changing between tri-sets of a different letter.
A1 | T-bar row | 3 | 60 sec | 30 sec | 2:0:1 |
A2 | Landmine press | 3 | 60 sec | 30 sec | 2:0:1 |
A3 | Landmine torso twist | 3 | 60 sec | 30 sec | 2:0:1 |
B1 | Floor press | 3 | 60 sec | 30 sec | 2:0:1 |
B2 | Bent over row | 3 | 60 sec | 30 sec | 2:0:1 |
B3 | Upright row | 3 | 60 sec | 30 sec | 2:0:1 |
C1 | Back squat | 3 | 60 sec | 30 sec | 2:0:1 |
C2 | Front squat | 3 | 60 sec | 30 sec | 2:0:1 |
C3 | Romanian deadlift | 3 | 60 sec | 30 sec | 2:0:1 |
Circuit 2
Rest for 1 minute between exercises.
A | Lunges | 5 | 45 sec | 15 sec | 2:0:1 |
B | Flat bench press | 5 | 45 sec | 15 sec | 2:0:1 |
C | T-bar row | 5 | 45 sec | 15 sec | 2:0:1 |
D | Push press | 5 | 45 sec | 15 sec | 2:0:1 |
E | Landmine torso twist | 5 | 45 sec | 15 sec | 2:0:1 |
Immediate change between exercises, 2 minutes rest between complexes.
A1 | Front squat | 5 | 3 | 2:0:1 |
A2 | Push press | 5 | 3 | 2:0:1 |
A3 | Bent over row | 5 | 3 | 2:0:1 |
90 seconds rest between sets.
A1 | Back squat | 3 | 10 | 4:0:2 |
A2 | Romanian deadlift | 3 | 10 | 4:0:2 |
B1 | Flat bench press | 3 | 10 | 4:0:2 |
B2 | Bench row | 3 | 10 | 4:0:2 |
C | Standing military press | 3 | 10 | 4:0:2 |
D1 | Skull crushers | 3 | 10 | 4:0:2 |
D2 | Reverse curls | 3 | 10 | 4:0:2 |
Nice gym indeed. I would love to have my own simple home gym set up. A barbell with rubber weights, squat rack and bench and I'd be a happy guy. Too bad that I live in an apartment.
That barbell looks well-used btw!
This home gym looks awesome!! ;-)
thank you very much :)