Fish Names in Morocco
Despite the availability of Morocco on Bahrain are the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea and the recovery of the fishing sector in Morocco, but many Moroccans do not know of the names of marine fish for a few reasons:
Residents of inner cities do not eat much fish so they do not know the names of all the marine creatures
Some fish are similar in form and this causes some confusion and confusion in the names
The high prices of some fish species make the Moroccan do not take curiosity to know its name
The abundance of fish and species makes it difficult for Moroccans to keep their names
Here are some fish pictures of their names in Morocco and some Arabic names of fish
What a delicious fish, I hope you like the subject and I advise you to eat fish meat is the most natural thing to keep us on the surface of this earth is very useful to us in the fight against osteoporosis and strengthen the sex in men and help children to grow and the most people know the benefits of fish They are Chinese, even their bones, so that they can be turned into powder and added to the soup .. Haha even the bones did not have mercy on her !!
Your time is over
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Nice post