The Halls of Higher Education

in #firstword5 years ago

What does it mean to seek wisdom and apply your heart to understanding?

Society has drifted, intentional or not, to finish government required learning and still be insufficiently equipped to access success. This idea for higher education plagues our internal stability with fear and victimhood rendering our choice almost entirely. We then find ourselves at an over priced institution where we are promised an end result of a "good job".

In reality, we rarely find actual wisdom or life skills. We discover the joys of an indoctrinated generation, dependent on an elite class backed by government "loans". Ending with a foolish people looking to the government as the answer, unable to think for themselves.

While not intentional, strong ambitious young people, step into their 20's ignorant at best, and at worst dependent peons looking to a impersonal government force to save them.

The Government, Google will never save you or return your freedom.

Freedom is an inside job and it only comes from God.

He will be King, Creator, and with you irregardless of if you student loans get paid off, if the police are racists, if all the 'good jobs' disappear, if we all get some unknown virus and explode, if the government no longer gives me 'freedom'.

Irregardless of my race, gender, ethnic background, resume, bank account, family of origin...God is the only source of freedom.

Proverbs 2
'turn your ear to wisdom and apply your heart to understanding, and if you call out for insight and cry aloud for understanding, and if you look for it as for silver and search for it as for hidden treasure, then you will understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God.'

Shut off your devices and turn your heart to wisdom...His name is Jesus Christ