An interesting aspect of the ongoing debate on gun control is the factor of defensive uses of firearms.

in #firearm2 months ago


Namely, for people on my side -- the right side -- of this issue, the number of prevented murders, maimings, and rapes prevented by firearms is an important factor to take account of in contrast to murders, mass shootings, and general crimes. For the other side, it's not a factor that they ever talk about.

I really mean that the opposition never talks about it. That's because my side doesn't cite statistics from the NRA while the opposition cites statistics from Everytown. My side cites CDC statistics gathered under the Obama administration. Those data don't fit the opposition narrative; so, the opposition tries to bury it as a factor.

The thing is, acknowledging that guns are used so often in self-defense destroys the narrative that we gun owners are looking for a fight, or an opportunity to be a hero, or some crap like that. Even if you take the lowest number possible in regard to self-defense cases, it shows that the overwhelming majority of people who use guns in self-defense managed to do so without harming anyone, much less killing anyone. The overwhelming majority of these people know to stop when the threat stops being a threat.