Financial Education - What are the business sectors within the category of contributors to compulsory social insurance?

in #financial2 days ago

The majority of developing countries are protected by compulsory social insurance for permanent workers under the employment of an employer, whether they work in urban or rural areas and regardless of the amount of their salary.

Source ( vir )

The mandatory social insurance will be the differential of the salary of the distribution of the companies among the different risks, on the other hand, it is established that the part of the contributions corresponding to the insured will be, at the beginning of the application of the regulations, however, these contributions oscillate around two percent for natural persons.

It is clarified that there are risks that workers have when working in a company, they are classified as: minimum risk companies, those belonging to this group, those companies that are engaged in an activity such that their workers run a minimum risk of suffering serious accidents.

However, companies that do not use motive power, steam or internal combustion engines, except for small devices, in addition to educational institutes, ice cream factories, hosiery, ready-made clothes, envelopes, candles and tailor shops, and coffee and cocoa processing companies and coffee mills.

Source ( vss )

The maximum risk companies include all those companies where there is a risk of serious accidents, for example: blast furnaces, sawmills, asphalt, paving and works on urban roads, shipyards, dock and stevedoring, quarries, stone crushing and earthmoving, and companies involved in the construction and maintenance of roads and housing developments.

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