Cryptocurrency As An Asset Collateral

in #finance6 years ago


The eCoinomic project is one I find fascinating. I've written a previous article which was a general overview of the Project and can be found here. This article will be detailed, and specific reasons for why traders and investors should be interested in this wonderful and unique project.

What eCoinomic offer is a Platform that is unique and never before seen. The Blockchain is still growing and as such haven't been widely accepted yet. Most services still require Fiat as payments. This will soon change but for now, that is the way it is. What if we require Fiat for one business or the other but we have most of our assets in Digital currencies like Cryptocurrencies? This is where comes in. They bridge the obvious wide berth between Crypto and traditional financial assets. Using Crypto as collateral assets will now be as easy as using, for example, real estate. etc.

What are the Advantages of

While applying for loans, so many factors need to be in place for your application to be granted eg Your credit history has to be good, guarantors, collateral etc. The amount of time used in verifying this information can be long and frustrating. With the bureaucracy involved, it can be tiresome in most cases. Coupled with the fact that Digital assets aren't widely accepted yet, which means owners would have to sell them, convert to Fiat before loans can be granted. This whole process can mean unnecessary charges will be incurred and with the high Volatility of Cryptocurrencies, buying the digital assets back for the same value might be near impossible. This is where shoulders the burden. How? is a Platform or network that acts as a go-between, between creditors and borrowers. The Platform acts as a guarantor in that it shoulders the burden and risks associated with the process. There's no need for borrowers to convert their Digital assets before getting loans anymore. The Platform will be attractive to investment banks, family offices etc. This will make the Platform liquid enough for borrowers.

eCoinomic is a stage that core interests of giving and creating money related administrations, utilizing Blockchain innovation as the reason for their improvement. eCoinomic gives a money-related administration that clients can without much of a stretch, safely and keenly perform. eCoinomic gives better and more astute access to money related administrations for Crypto Holders.
The fundamental target of the eCoinomic venture is the improvement, advancement also, enhancement of the monetary administrations stage in light of cryptographic assets. It will give its clients the use of credits, trades, exchanges, money related administration and the combination of administrations and frameworks through on the web instalment.

eCoinomic contain some key highlights that make them particular in their general. These include:
**Loyalty benefit: is a stage that regards devotion and keeps up a devotion program to keep their clients. As a feature of the program, clients that take an interest in the pre-deal program will get early access to the stage and furthermore get an advantage or favourable position to benefit. The estimation of the guarantee change unique in relation to half to 70% contingent upon the sort of benefits the members buy.
**Value suggestion: This stage attribute new an incentive to the crypto industry by creating a stable and dependable stage that offers a quick and straightforward approach to get budgetary cash (fiat) credits. eCoinomic offers all clients or members a multicurrency acknowledgement, high speed of Fiat cash exchanges, security and straightforwardness, live value observing framework.






ECoinomic is essentially a task that will enable individuals to take advances in crypto cash, and additionally such an opportunity to give out these credits to different clients furthermore, in the meantime procuring on it. It's likewise vital that you can purchase and offer cash on the stage, and additionally make different ventures that suit you. The most fascinating is that on account of the bar, this innovation, on which this task is based, understands the rejection of middle people from the connection between the lender and the borrower. In the meantime, a genuine savvy contract will be utilized to securely and dependably make exchanges furthermore, issue/get advances. To the detriment of barring go-betweens, the costs for commissions will likewise fall. That will make them hopeless and more than reasonable.



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Authors details
Username: Herdi

BTT Profile link:;u=1939055