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RE: Are you in control?

in #finance8 years ago

Good article.

We have found that no-one will look after your or your families interests like you will. There are so many aspects of our currency and financial world that are out of our control, taking back control of our savings is a very good start.

We don't think the low interest rate environment we find ourselves in will change anytime soon as it would possible collapse the entire financial system due to the debt levels (sovereign, corporate and personal) currently in the world, so that rules out compounding as we know it.

If you save in physical gold/silver, which isn't complicated at all, holders will at least stay ahead of any currency devaluations that may be occur. There are many other benefits.

Education, education, education can't be stressed enough in this rapidly changing financial world we live in. We think for some reason, people are scared of making their own investment decisions and when they do make their own decisions they are impulse driven and will usually be at the wrong time.

Followed and upvoted.


Absolutely agree - thanks for the up vote! From my research the precious metals markets continue to be "corrupted" and until such time as the JPM short position is "covered" there could be sustained price pressure on silver. Education is the key but not necessarily formal. I believe its the questions we are willing to ask that need to change.