A Walk to Remember (film): a kind of propaganda film that I actually enjoyed.

in #films6 years ago

This movie did better than ok (financially) and despite the fact that I considered it to be a religious propaganda film that is typical of Nicholas Sparks, I enjoyed it quite a lot.


I am not one for teen love films or even ones that star whoever the pop star of the day happens to be, but for whatever reason this film worked for me. I am not terribly religious, and i bear no ill will towards the people who are, but i do find it a little bit annoying when there is a hidden message inside of films - and this one has a lot of it - but i still found it compelling and touching.... despite the fact that it is a bit impractical.


Landon is a typical popular high-school kid (played by Shane West) who gets into the usual trouble portrayed in movies by driving cars fast and drinking underage and what not and through a drama class casting situation he ends up in opposite Jaime (played by Mandy Moore,) who is incredibly straight-laced, virtuous, and basically everything that Landon would never be attracted to.

The story involves how they end up getting together in an unlikely (but oh so typical) story of the teen love story from the other side of the tracks.

What makes this special is, honestly, i don't know. I just ended up liking it. I enjoyed the preposterous love story that develops. Nicholas Sparks knows how to pull at your heart-strings and although the story is just completely over the top it ends up being not only good, but really endearing.

a walk to remember.jpg

Teem films can be annoying. I really hate them for the most part. But i saw this film in the theater, bought it on VHS, and later bought it on DVD. I can't point out anything particularly wonderful about his movie from a cinematography point of view, there probably isn't anything that any critic would be nice about. Since this movie has a Christian religious message in it, Hollywood, being what they are, were always going to slay this movie. But it ended up making 30 million or so and I thought it was great.

I don't really know how to sell this to you. I'm not really trying to do so. I just know that this movie was panned by critics and i found it entertaining. So I guess you could say i disagree with them. I don't think this is a movie that would ever win awards despite the fact that it did win a few (MTV ones that don't matter.)

Whatever, i don't know what else to say. the next movie i recommend will also be a cheesy love story that I can't defend on any sort of artistic measure.

7 / 10


I also must admit that I was more than surprised to actually watch it multiple times, and consequently feel compelled to write this review. It is such a charming movie. The plot, however, seemed to be initially apredictable foreray into the traditional field of bad boy meets good girl. At a point , the girl momentarily transformed from an ugly duckling into swan. I was convinced entirely that the whole culmination of the thing is for girl to gain some sort of peer group acceptance, and that the presence of an overly protective father hinted at an overtones that her father may be some kind of parental tyrant figure from whom she might require some sort of heroic liberation.
The performances are good and heartfelt, Shane West gave an applaudable portrayal of an angry young man on a path of reformation, whereas Mandy Moore is strong and almost graceful in her role as Jaime and enhances the charm of this romantic interlude with several pretty vocal solos. It is a pretty solid romance movie so if you don't like romance then this picture probably isn't for you anyway.

A cheesy movie but something that I too enjoyed watching.

This is a nice movie, not great but not terrible. I can say I enjoyed it. To me is film to watch on tv, not to buy it on VHS and DVD hahaha

well, it was a long time ago :)

What makes this special is, honestly, i don't know. I just ended up liking it.

That's new coming from you

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It is cheesy love story film .

The school is the greatest canvas of life, the sinister arena of human relationships and strife. The school is hundreds of individual, unique and contradictory characters. There are also cruel to the rogue king-tyrant. There is a bunch of greedy and hungry vultures, ready to peck anyone by the first stroke of the hand of their wayward ruler. And there is a special contingent - a circle of people, stubbornly hiding in the armor of their own ignorance, covering the golden light of their multifaceted souls with gray rags.
The fate in this film does everything to make a young man from a higher caste fall in love with a lower representative. They will go hand in hand all the stages of human feelings - from mutual hatred to passionate, all-consuming and strong love. He will finally understand that phantom popularity is like a fog, a veil of hypocrisy, so weightless and so short-lived. And she is convinced that under the outer luster lies an incredibly kind and sensitive nature.
You never know how your destiny will turn today or tomorrow, what a joke the evil rock will play with you, or what valuable will give you the gift of changeable fortune. You should always savor every second of your life, swim along its current, without looking around and not taking on your board "prejudice" and "publicity."