LOMO: DianaMini Series Episode #4

On the Road Again
After a long break (semester of medical lab science!), I'm getting back to film photography with my Diana Mini. This is another set of road trip photos that I took during a search for treasure across my state. I love how quiet and peaceful the landscapes are outside of civilization. It's easy to pick that up from a photo and I think that's why it makes such amazing subject matter.
Episode #4 Fourth Roll
I think my photos are coming our better but it's hard not to have good shots with such great scenery...

I took this photo while the car was moving and it came out well. I like how the clouds on the top and the bushes along the side of the road indicate motion while the clouds and plateau in the center are still.

This is a nice shot of a tree. The colors look so vivid and have such a great tone.

I was trying something out in this shot and I have to say I love the way it came out and it's a very simple technique with great looking results. To get this effect I took a picture of the peak of the mountain ridge behind the tree in above picture, then without turning the advance wheel, I took another shot of the end of the mountain ridge.

These two shots are the same subject but in the first one I put the aperture on cloudy and the photo came out almost whited out. The second one I put on sunny and it came out normal.