Short Film: The Snowman (Sia)

in #film3 months ago (edited)

Let's say there's love in the (cold) air and the question is how to survive if the thaw sets in.

Already the text added to "The Snowman" is weird. As if it's Christmas as soon as snow appears. If that would be the case most of us can skip the celebration (if not everyone).

I had to get used to this film but kept watching while ignoring the ugly figures (okay, the snowmen look good). The storyline is good and so is the song (voice) and while watching it I discovered it's most likely not a short film but a video made by a song of Sia or?

The love and lives e of the Snowmen continue which you see in part two. Now I am even more confused since I hear the same song again. It's not that the text is bad but watching those two after another is too much. I like to continue watching the video and I do what I frequently do: I switched off the sound!
I expected to hear another song but I guess (didn't check) Sia's repertoire is limited.

An Everday is Christmas Medley?
I have no idea what to expect and although the start was boring it became better. This video is about an "expedition" on the attic by the the figures you watched in "The Snowman". After the video was made they were put in a case and moved on the attic. One figure is left behind (spoiler the ugly dog or is it something else?) so the trio on the attic search their 4th man as well.

The music? It's a mix of what we heard with some other parts of songs. I assume Sia did it. The medley is not what I like but it kind of fits to what you see.

De videos above I found as I was on the lookout for a short film to share. Short films are popular but I can't say I like most of them no matter if they are award winners. I admit a part of the time I have no idra what the film is about or the message is. If it comes to messages it all depends on who watches it if it will be recognized or understood. Those messages, just like commercials, rately seem to have the wanted impact on me. Pity, but so be it (but for sure I am not the only one).


The picture of my makeover is made by @golden-rain. If it comes to me it's true that Christmas is pyjamas day (and no cooking!) and the start of the film season but with this one I would freeze to death (time to move).

What is the test about?
It is about Steemit posts being invisible if searched on the internet. I posted about it before (years ago as well) and the problemis figured it out. If you post in a community you are invisible. True or only in the region I live?


#film #music #review #test #steemexclusive


Yes, regarding the poor visibility in Google search, I can confirm that. Objective tests and site ranking evaluations can also confirm it. This is a common problem for all media blockchains. I was concerned about this a few years ago, and I sought the reason, and I found it.

The thing is, the block of our post contains a large amount of crypto-hash data. It's a huge long string of letters and numbers, but Google’s crawlers perceive this as part of the post, part of the text. And since the hash data is essentially meaningless from a reading standpoint in any language, rather than being decoded, Google’s algorithms automatically rank our blockchain posts as low-quality because they contain a significant portion of nonsense (that same hash).

Steemit can significantly improve its search rankings if it can somehow clearly separate the hash and the actual post text so that search engines don’t interpret them as one whole. If you can convey my message to the technical team, please do, because this really holds the key to understanding how to make a technical breakthrough in rankings.

I tried to find my post but it's invisible. It doesn't matter if I add my name, write "steemit" or use it as the first or last key. With "steemit" as the first key I have one hit and this one is about another film, a review 7 years old. Meaning it doesn't matter what I do I am "restricted" and can't see/find posts on Steemit which also means it's pointless to promote it. Most likely X will make it disappear as well.

I went to Japan (VPN) and same result

Honestly I've never seen it, and it seems like a good movie, and yeah I should watch it ☺️

It's a music video and a short film so I wonder why you didn't 🤔