IMHO: 7 Really Great Science Fiction Movies To Veg To

in #film7 years ago

I had so much fun doing my last list, I thought I'd do another one, this time about Sci-Fi Movies.

As you might have guessed by now I'm a complete geek. This love of geeky things also extends to science fiction movies. Picking seven was more difficult than you might think especially when you realise that two of them are made for TV feature length specials. There are lots I've missed and irrelevant spoiler alert - there's no Star Wars in this list. Yes, I know, heresy. Oh well, moving swiftly along. Here's my list of science fiction movies I really like and that require practically no brain power to watch.


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Not the second one, I didn't miss the "S" off the end, I'm talking about the original and the best. Sure "Aliens" has its charm but Newt for some reason just kills the whole movie for me. No I like Ian Holm's "3 Laws of Robotics Breaking" Ash who, in a twist worthy of M Night Shamalamalam[1] turns out to be an android! Bishop was just too nice for me. I also think it's one of the most terrifying movies I've ever seen. It holds up even now nearly 40 years since it's release, give it another two years and the hairstyles will probably be back in fashion.

Galaxy Quest

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Now, maybe you are worried. A second sci-fi movie with Sigourney Weaver in it. Is this what this list secretly is? Is it theBookDevourer professing her love of "Siggy-Weave"? Well, if this movie didn't also have Tim Allen, Kevin Hart, Sam Rockwell and Alan Rickman in it I might have been able to agree with you. Galaxy Quest is probably my second favourite movie on this list. It has everything and it's hilarious. If you haven't ever seen it, go away and watch it now then come back and thank me.

Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan

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Surely you knew this one was coming? This is my number one favourite science fiction film, no contest. I love the whole movie - it's a sequel to an episode of the original series, they didn't recast the actors, the earworm thing is just as shudder making as ever, William Shatner's epic "KHHHAAAANNN", spaceships fighting other spaceships, explosions, fireworks, the lot. Love it. Plus, for some reason, it's always on tele on Christmas Day.

The Fifth Element

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Luc Besson's The Fifth Element bombed when it came out in the cinema. I have no idea why, I thought it was fantastic. I saw it at the cinema with my Dad on one of my weekends with him. We knew nothing about it going in, we didn't even know Bruce Willis was in it. We were treated to a true spectacle that evening, from the sets, costumes and music to the cinematography, storyline and soundtrack nothing was under done. Also, it has Ian Holm in it. Maybe it's him I'm secretly obsessed with ...

Total Recall / The Running Man

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What's that now? There are eight movies on this list? What do you mean you don't watch these two movies back to back for the pure "Arnie-ness" of it? Seriously? Okay, I admit, I was just going to do Total Recall The Running Man Total Recall but I just couldn't do one and not the other. Maybe you think instead I should've picked Terminator 2 but really, is "I'll be back" really more iconic than "Get Your Ass to Mars" or "See you at the party, Richter". Or what about Captain Freedom? He reminds me so much of another favourite character of mine [2] that it's amazing one isn't based on the other. Cheesey lines, ridiculous effects, Sharon Stone, Jesse Ventura and Arnie. Thank goodness they stopped remaking at Total Recall 2012. We don't need or want them.

Farscape: The Peacekeeper Wars

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A year before Stargate SG-1 got itself all confused the stars of Farscape got together to give us one final farewell - The Peacekeeper Wars. It was a long time coming but finally fans of the freakishly good Australian(!) science fiction show Farscape got the ending we wanted. It's wacky and weird, it ruthlessly covers modern ethical issues like a boss and best of all it has the Henson name attached to it. Anyone who says they are a Sci-Fi fan who hasn't seen at least one episode of Farscape is seriously misinformed.

Battlestar Galactica: The Miniseries

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I didn't like the original Battlestar Galactica. It was all a bit retro for me - maybe that's a bit of a stretch coming from a gal who openly admits to TOS being her second favourite Star Trek but it's the truth. It was the father-in-law who got my hubby and I into the new version. Every time we'd visit we'd hear "Have you watched that new Battlestar yet?" so we gave in eventually. It was my first experience of having to wait for the next season. I'd never been bothered before but with BSG ... Let's get this clear right now, "The Miniseries" was the perfect introduction to the show. Personally, I love the whole show, from beginning to end, even though some will say the fourth season was rubbish I enjoyed it. If you didn't like any of it, don't tell me. You really don't want to unleash that raging tirade ...

Thanks for reading my little list of my favourite sci-fi movies. Do you like any of the movies I like? Is it cheating to have two in one entry or for that matter two that are feature length tv specials? Tell me!

Upvote! Comment! Resteem! TTFN. x 

[1] Or however it is you spell his name

[2] Hercule Satan of Dragonball Fame



I liked fifth element best.

It is a fantastic film. Are you looking forward to his new Sci-Fi? Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets? It's comes out in the UK on Friday. Looks epic!