Cloverfield Paradox A Movie To Unite a Universe.

In the middle of 2008 I remember seeing with my brother and my cousins (the translation to my country was a horrendous name "Monstruso " like said monstrous), I remember it I do not get much emotion, despite not like the type of recording used and more in this movie, found Footage, because I felt like details were lost, despite the great work done to introduce the special effects. Cloverfield (2008) fulfilled his mission and delivered an entertaining film with a coherent script that made you stick to the chair and giving you a great ending.
Then in 2016 a "second part" 10 Cloverfield Lane (2016) is released which is at a level of performance and script superior to its predecessor, it must have been a thriller to see if you wonder if both movies are connected or is simple speculation, for when 10 Cloverfiel Lane its end comes, you stay like, what do you just see? Please someone explain to me? And do not misunderstand this is good, at the end of the film you leave with the need to know what happens to the protagonist and what you saw, despite having a sudden change does not disappoint but manages to fit with your title.

All this brings us to this year 2018 where Cloverfield Paradox (2018)presents us this film produced by J.J. Abrams places us in the mission of the crew of the Spacial station Cloverfield due to the energy shortages and a possible world war by the resources, the crew mission is to generate energy in order to ensure world peace. Cloverfield Paradox is not a horror film, it gives us moments that recall old movies but its comedy tone does not make us feel afraid, rather if it creates an atmosphere of tension to know the same as the protagonists and that makes us think about certain conspiracy theories throughout the film, despite having a weak start and reached the climax in the middle of the film lowers its intensity a bit, Paradox manages to have a more than convincing ending, surprising you again like both previous films with an unexpected ending.
Colverfield paradox shows us that everything is related and that perhaps we have only seen in the first two deliveries a part of the horrors that were unleashed on earth, of course the theories can also arise that they are from different universes, in particular I think that the three films are presented in the same earth and the monsters shown in the first and the aliens in the second are nothing more than an open mouth of all this universe can deliver.
Being sincere Cloverfield Paradox does not bring anything new to the genre nor does it shine for its script or performances and although it does not manage to develop the characters, Paradox is an entertaining work that serves as a link to the previous films and also that lays the foundations for new movies. If you liked the previous installments, yes or yes, you should see this movie.