Blade Runner 2049 | A Film from Another Era.

in #film7 years ago

The expectations that arose when talking about Blade Runner 2049 (2017) were huge, because it would follow one of the great cult film that has influenced a large number of CyberPunk genre films, on the other hand, the movie sequels are counted successful that managed to succeed, this generated a great challenge in the team that was to carry out Blade Runner 2049, present a story at the same level or superior to its predecessor Blade Runner (1982).

As a film lover I must keep my emotion aside, analyze, see and feel the film according to what it offers. So I went to see Blade Runner 2049, the first thing that struck me was seeing its duration 2h and 44 min which is not customary today, in case long-term movies are not commercial, but Blade Runner 2049 from that moment he says he does not care about the market and wants to go further, despite the USD 150 million estimated in budget, does not intend to be commercial at all but to give its viewer quality content and a message that for this time unfortunately society does not she is ready. It is a film that in a single view you can not appreciate all the details that the director places, so please join me to analyze briefly what makes Blade Runner 2049 a movie from Another Era.


The story begins telling us what happened with the company Tyrell and the replicants of the first film, which puts you in the context of Blade Runner (1982) and is a help for those who did not see it, it is located in the city of California 30 years after its predecessor and tells the story of the police officer "K" starring Ryan Gosling which is a Blade Runner that still exist, because there is still loose replicant and his duty is to "remove" them, during the Execution of this task learns of a secret that could completely change your society and the current order.

Let's talk about the story
To avoid Spoiler I want to talk about the highlights of the story, in Blade runner there were conjectures about whether Deckard was or not a replicant, this gave way to hundreds of theories for years, in this film we are presented from the beginning to the Official K as a Replicant, the role of Ryan Gosling is not at all easy must extract itself from emotions not manifest them and pay attention to everything that is ordered, we see it from the beginning where it is vexed by its human companions denigrating it for its " species ", this establishes a great difference we see the protagonist from another point of view, we went from seeing to see a human hunting replicants to a replicant hunting replicants.

K maintains a loving relationship with a product called Joi which parallels Deckard and Rachel's relationship, even though K and Joi are "machines" are totally different, compared to Blade Runner Deckard'humano' = K 'Replicante' Rachel 'Replicante' = Joi 'holograma', allows the debate to open about feelings and that is love itself, since Joi is not exclusive, it is a product distributed en masse, but the one that is together with K he manages to create a loving bond with him, where his memories and experiences play an important role, which makes her unique.

Blade Runner and the Dreams: An interesting topic that is covered in the first film is that of dreams when Deckard had a recurring dream at that time was just a clue, but in Blade Runner 2049 it becomes an important theme of the story and that is the key to solve a secret, also takes us to the subject of Dirck's book "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?", how can a replicant know if your dreams are real or not?


The soundtrack fulfills its role completely, it could be that Hans Zimmer does not know the whole genre, but together with Benjamin Wallfisch they achieve a great composition, maybe there are only a couple of action scenes where the music does not fit at all, but in the rest of the film in the open spaces, in the landscapes of the city, even when the music is non-existent, make these moments of silence a musical pause so that the viewer can concentrate his sense of sight to the fullest.

The photograph.

It is impeccable, Roger Deakins had given us samples of his work, the images, the selection of lights and colors are ideal for what the CyberPunk genre because you realize that it is a genre film, besides it extends to locations such as the desert or the snow that changes our colors and still looks beautiful.

The script.

Despite having received harsh criticism regarding the end and according to how the story goes up in intensity and ends up falling , the script is at the height of the work. Throughout the film it keeps you attentive because it has changes in the plot at every moment and if it were not for the rhythm of the movie which most consumers
cinema do not appreciate themselves, their script would not be criticized, at times the appearance of some characters is debatable, but in reality Hampton Fancher makes an ode to the work of Philip K. Dick.


The address of Denis Villeneuve is impeccable , you feel completely as you place your hand in each scene. In addition, as if it were a painter it has a particular style of lengthening certain shots to emphasize a visual idea. He also makes some frames that are not just coincidence, but it has importance in history.


Ryan Gosling: 'K' in particular makes one of the best roles of his career, it is seen as the hand of Denis Villenueve manages to immerse himself in his character, in a certain way without emotions can maintain the role of a replicant fully, silently shows us that he has emotions and feelings is the means by which history shows us his main theme THE SEARCH FOR THE REAL IN A SIMULATED WORLD , which is real and which is a lie. It is a great challenge for an actor because in roles where he must show emotions it is easier to show his histrionic part.

Harrison Ford: "Rick Deckard" Blade Runner 2049 pays homage to Harrisond Ford in a different way, giving him a couple of important scenes where he can demonstrate that he did a great actor, his role is convincing.

Ana de Armas: "Joi" characterizes his character in a great way was one of the surprises of the film, able to manage her emotions, feelings and transmit them to the viewer. Her role is very important in the story, produces a change in the environment of the dead and sad to full of happy and life every time she appeared, her role is a not to her (2013) cheap copy, but uses this resource to express.

Jaaret Leto: "Niander Wallace" After the disappointment of his role as the Joker in Sucide Squad (2016), there was very little hope that he would impress, but how wrong we could be, Leto shows us in this film because he won Oscar, the role of Niander is the antagonist of history willing to meet their goals at all costs, Leto perfectly embodies his character and in a couple of scenes shows us how to interpret a character.

Sylvia Hoeks: " Luv "being a replicant shows us how strong a woman can be, she plays an impressive role, her role as a villain is very important in history. It is convincing in each scene and makes them credible.


Villenue makes a great use of its actors and next to a great script that lays the foundations in Blade Runner (1982), it takes a big leap for Blade Runner 2049 to have a name own and not be a copy of the previous, submit your own idea we must understand that the main theme will remain similar is the same story adapted by Hampton Fancher, the rhythm may seem slow due to how we are used in the industry today, even this is the rhythm of the film and serves to appreciate every detail, as when you take the time to see a picture or a painting.

As a personal comment, Blade Runner 2049 is a film from Another Era ahead of us, based on the story Philip K. Dick's vision is a futuristic world where humans would fight against their own creations and against a possible extinction giving way to a new species, dealing with the themes of life: that has human beings, which makes us really living beings, which is love and how we know that we feel love for something or someone.
Nowadays the parallelism that can have with our society, can be the racism in all its expressions as we denigrate to other people for not having the same color of skin, being of a different social class or only belonging to another nation. As the standardization of society has told us to love the superficial without caring what love really does. The replicants come to do now as that part of society that struggles every day to live and say that they exist that have dreams and that despite all their suffering they can live and love.

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