Movie Stakeout's Unseen August

in #film5 years ago

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Arizona & Japowski delve into those movies we really should have seen before now

The Arizona Case Files: Unseen August
Animal House (1978)
The worst fraternity on campus does it's best to uphold it's reputation.
This month we're looking at classics we've never seen, and where better to start than the quintessential college movie? I happened to pick this up 50p brand new in a charity shop, back when the world was a save place that made sense, and I picked it up for the reason it was an unseen classic. Serendipity I tell ya.
I wasn't holding out hope on this one, having seen other 'classics' of this comedy subgenre, like Porkies and Bachelor Party, and not thinking much of them. Animal House on the other hand made me chuckle a few times, had a couple of great characters, and a bonkers finalé.
First watch: 3.5 Doughnuts

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Dick Japowski's Unseen August
Vertigo (1958)
This month we cover the films that as film fans we really should have seen!
Alfred Hitchcock's Vertigo was one we were going to do on our podcast back in the day, so held off watching. That episode didn't happen so ten years later here we are!
James Stewart plays detective Scottie who suffers with a crippling fear of heights who gets embroiled and tangled up in the affairs of a mysterious dame..
Hot take. This is very good! The mystery hooks you and the style and charm up on the screen will make you regret watching so many bad movies. Shame on me!
First watch: 4.5 Doughnuts

Dick Japowski's Unseen August
Some Like it Hot (1959)
When a couple of musicians witness a mob hit, they disguise themselves as ladies and hop on a train with an all girl music act where they meet Marilyn Monroe's Sugar Cane. It's not long before both lady men are vying for her affections whilst lying low from mobsters!
Jack Lemmon and Tony Curtis make a great double act, with Lemmon in particular having a ball as a Tex Avery wolf put among the sheep!
A comedy that has stood the test of time, with jokes innocent enough not to get it cancelled.
First watch: 4 Doughnuts


The Arizona Case Files: Unseen August
Barbarella (1968)
A representative of United Earth is sent on a mission to find a rogue scientist who's reportedly created a new super weapon.
I can only assume Barbarella became a cult classic because people can't get over what an utter technicolor car crash it is. This is what happens when a director, a screenwriter, a costume designer, and a composer all take acid, and then attempt to make a science fiction movie without ever communicating to one another. Utter drivel.
First watch: 1 Doughnut

The Arizona Case Files: Unseen August
Rebel Without a Cause (1955)
A troubled teen moves to a new town, takes a shine to a girl who's spoken for, befriends the local weird kid, fights with his family, and gets into trouble with a bunch of greasers.
James Dean was Twenty-four when he made Rebel Without a Cause, playing someone who's meant to be around Sixteen, a not uncommon movie casting practice...the problem is the weirdo friend is actually Sixteen, which makes you blatantly Dean is much older.
I also kept thinking James Franco would be perfect to play Dean in a biopic, if he were younger...and it transpires he did just that back 2001.
First watch: 4 Doughnuts


The Arizona Case Files: Unseen August
Bloodsport (1988)
Us army captain Frank Dux goes AWOL to compete in a secretive full contact martial arts tournament in Hong Kong. While there he grabs the attention of a female reporter and evades being apprehended by a pair of non-descript government agents.
The flashback sequences of kid Frank are painful to watch, you have no idea whether the agents are military police, F.B.I, or mall security, or why the undercover reporter attending a super secretive event whips a massive tape recorder out of her purse and start taking notes in front of everyone?
Two things are certain; Bolo Yeung's returning champion is such an intimidating douchebag you can't wait for JCVD to knock him out, and if they remake this in the next few years wrestler Braun Strowman has play to Donald Gibb's part.
First watch: 3 Doughnuts

The Arizona Case Files: Unseen August
The Sound of Music (1965)
A young nun too excitable for a life in the habit is sent out into the world to gain some life experience, becoming governess to the seven children of a surly naval captain.
Once this finished I asked Mrs Arizona, who likes both musicals and period dramas, and also had never seen The Sound of Music, what she thought.
"It was alright, it seemed to go on forever and only got interesting at the end when they were trying to escape", and I think that pretty much sums it up for me too.
First watch: 3 Doughnuts

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The Arizona Case Files: Unseen August
Old Yeller (1957)
A hungry stray dog steals food then has rocks thrown at him.
A young boy keeps live frogs and lizards in his pocket.
The same boy bullies a bear cub, and when mumma bear comes to the rescue she gets in a fight with the dog.
Later the dog has a fight with a wolf, gets bitten, goes rabid then gets shot.
The End
A classic best left forgotten.
First watch: 2 Doughnuts

Dick Japowski's Unseen August
Escape from Alcatraz (1979)
When Clint and crew have had enough of "The Rock" they try the impossible, Escape from Alcatraz (1979). Because it was actually filmed in the notorious prison, having been there in person, skating it in my youth, it gave it added interest.
Even though they make it seem a chimp could Escape from Alcatraz (1979) this is still a fun sunday dad movie.
First watch: 3 Doughnuts

Dick Japowski's Unseen August
The Seventh Seal (1957)
A returning crusading knight is harassed by a deft Death, and challenges him to a game of chess that may never end... Or in 90 minutes!
Up there as one of the Citizen Kane's of unseen movies, and you definitely need to be ready to embrace a movie like this. So with my tiny subtitles on I did just that and was surprised at how easy the basic story was to follow, it's only when you fall into the theme stream or Wade into the deep dark subtext that you might drown. One I'm pleased to have seen but, plague, existential crisis and chess may make me wait till I'm playing twister with Death again to watch!
First watch: 3.5 Doughnuts

Which of these cinematic classics have you seen? and which classics have you never got round to watching? Let us know in the comments below.