Movie Stakeout Reviews 15/08/20-21/08/20

in #film5 years ago

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All the latest Movieland investigations from detectives Dick Japowski and Joey Arizona.

The Many Views of Detective Dick Japowski
Host (2020)
A group of friends get together in lockdown and just for fun arrange a seance. A bad quality call is the last of their worries!
The first post covid horror film shouldn't be as good as this, but good it is!
Great natural acting with scares and images that will leave you sleeping under the covers just on the safe side. The genius of this is also it runs the length of a genuine zoom call, around an hour so it doesn't outstay it's welcome.
Check out this paranormal activity. It's nothing like paranormal activity. It's actually scary!
First watch: 4.5 Doughnuts


The Arizona Case Files
Greyhound (2020)
During the Second World War Tom Hanks gets given his first command, aboard a ship called Greyhound. Greyhound is tasked with leading & protecting a convoy of supply ships from America to England, and wouldn't you know it them pesky Germans turn up in submarines to crash the party.
Hanks actually wrote the screenplay for this, and it's a great role he's written for himself, but other than the second in command, no one else has much to do than say 'yes sir' and spout nautical terminology. You don't really care much about the other crew members, who all largely look the same.
That aside it's a pretty relentless and tense affair.
First watch: 3.5 Doughnuts

The Many Views of Detective Dick Japowski
Gremlins: A Puppet Story (2020)
Puppet genius Chris Walas recounts his story of getting Gremlins to the big screen. If you're a fan of movie wizardry this is essential viewing, with great behind the scenes footage and early tests that I've never seen and I'd thought I'd seen it all at this point!
First watch: 4 Doughnuts

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The Arizona Case Files
Atlantis: The Lost Empire (2001)
Milo's grandfather spent his life trying to find Atlantis, and now Milo thinks he can finish the job.
This is undoubtedly the coolest movie Disney has ever made, it counts Michael J Fox, James Garner and Leonard Nimoy among the cast, it's co-written by Joss Whedon, it's inspired by the works of Jules Verne and the artwork of Mike 'Hellboy' Mignola, there's a serious body count and not a musical number in sight.
Rewatch: 5 Doughnuts

The Arizona Case Files
Octonauts & the Caves of Sac Actun (2020)
While returning a squid to the Caribbean Paso and Captain Barnacle crash in the jungle. In an attempt to get the squid home the duo decide to travel through a system of underground caves which lead to the sea. Many dangerous situations ensue, Captain Barnacle has to fight crippling claustrophobia, leaving timid medic Paso to take the lead. Meanwhile, not being able to contact their comrades, the other Octonauts mount a search and rescue.
I like to be objective while reviewing movies, take them for what they are and the audience they're intended for. This will never be nominated for an Oscar, it's essentially just a feature length episode, nothing flashy. Octonauts is aimed at 4-7 year olds, and my 4 year old was invested for at least three quarters of the runtime.
First watch: 3 Doughnuts

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The Arizona Case Files: Unseen August
Rebel Without a Cause (1955)
A troubled teen moves to a new town, takes a shine to a girl who's spoken for, befriends the local weird kid, fights with his family, and gets into trouble with a bunch of greasers.
James Dean was Twenty-four when he made Rebel Without a Cause, playing someone who's meant to be around Sixteen, a not uncommon movie casting practice...the problem is the weirdo friend is actually Sixteen, which makes you blatantly Dean is much older.
I also kept thinking James Franco would be perfect to play Dean in a biopic, if he were younger...and it transpires he did just that back 2001.
First watch: 4 Doughnuts

Have you witnessed any of the movies we've investigated? What's the verdict? Let us know in the comments below.