Tomb Raider (2018)

Release Date: 16 March, 2018
What's It About: Lara Croft embarks on an adventure out to a remote island to investigate the whereabouts of her father Richard Croft, who had mysteriously gone missing.
The Good: In a more realistic reboot of the 2001 Tomb Raider, Lara's origins are explored and we get more insight into the world that the story is set in, rather than thrust into the action. Speaking of action, here it's really visceral and good, and Lara makes use of a myriad of weapons to shoot, slice and smash her way through her enemies. It's got solid action scenes and enough of a setting to keep your bum on the seat. The standout element of this film, however, is Lara Croft.
The Bad: There are times when I thought I was playing a video game whilst watching this. See that bit there where Lara was punched, kicked and smashed around like a ragdoll? See all those injuries she now has? No, they're gone by the next scene. It was as easy as taking a health pack and all her HP is now healed. There was a little too much disbelief in this film for my liking, especially as the narrative is trying to ground itself more in reality. The second half of the film was a bit of a bore-fest, as in it brought nothing new as everything came to a climax and an end, which is a bit of a wasted opportunity in showcasing Lara Croft herself.
Best Performance: Alicia Vikander as Lara Croft. For the time that she is on screen, she practically owns it. She brings a steely resolve and individual strength that allows her to push through everything her enemies throw at her. Her performance stands on its own and she shows no reliance on co-stars or other characters to pull her through. However, in the second half of the film, her role is diminished in favor of the male actors, and she becomes something of a background character, which is a shame.
Should I Watch It: It's not quite the tour de force that Wonder Woman was, which is something that this film does seem to be riding the coattails of, but nonetheless is worthy of note. I liked it more than the 2001 Tomb Raider, simply because it was better produced and better acted, and I wouldn't mind seeing another one if it kept Lara in the spotlight. Worth seeing it just for her alone, but not for much else.
Post-Credits Scene: No
Similar Films: Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981), The Mummy (1999), Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time (2010)
Good post.