Predator (1987)

in #film7 years ago


John McTiernan

107 Minutes

Release Date: 12 June, 1987

What's It About: US military solders are tasked with the job of recovering a United States official held hostage in Guatemala. What they don't know is that their presence is being watched by something extraterrestrial who hunts men for sport...

The Good: Amazing makeup and special effects. Although this starts out as a run of the mill 1980s war action film, it quickly escalates into something out of science fiction once the role of the Predator becomes more prominent. There's alot of tension between Dutch and the Predator, and the creature is truly something worth our fear. There are plenty of iconic one scenes and one liners from this film that you're bound to remember long after you leave the theater.

The Bad: It's got a very stripped, simplistic storyline. Even for an action film, there isn't much beyond the US soldier team and the Predator. Even the human adversaries are quickly dispatched and forgotten about to make way for the Predator scenes in the second half of the film. It truly is mind-numbing popcorn entertainment, but it is a rather good one at that. It is also extremely violent, so be mindful of that walking in.

Best Performance: Arnold Schwarzenegger as Major Alan "Dutch" Schaefer. In one of his more memorable roles, Arnold plays a veteran combat soldier. He brings all of his physicality into the role, but in this outing he is the one who looks severely outmatched by the sheer bulk and size of the titular Predator alien. Arnold is the submissive one in this film, and that is not something we are used to seeing. He brings all of his wit and charm to the role, however, and there's plenty of him to see and love.

Should I Watch It: One of the better science fiction action films of the 1980s and one that spawned not only a franchise of its own but a crossover franchise with Alien. If you love action, this is a must-see. There's something very gritty and grisly about this film, which holds no punches with its depiction of violence.

Post-Credits Scene: No

Similar Films: Aliens (1986), Commando (1985), The Abyss (1989)



Prеdаtоr iѕ dеfinitеlу оnе оf thе bеѕt alien thrillеrѕ еvеr mаdе. It is оnе оf mу реrѕоnаl fаvоritе mоviеѕ. Whеn I firѕt ѕаw just a briеf part of Prеdаtоr when I wаѕ аbоut five, I was freaked out аnd scared tо еvеn wаtсh thе mоviе for mаnу аgеѕ, but еvеntuаllу, оnсе getting older, саmе tо likе it. Thе Prеdаtоr, рlауеd bу Kevin Pеtеr Hаll, is a vеrу rеаliѕtiс аnd bеliеvаblе сrеаturе fоr thе 1980ѕ, when this mоviе was created. I like how humаnlikе itѕ fоrm is, аnd how un-humanlike it is at the ѕаmе timе. Thе сrеаturе'ѕ four mаndiblеѕ wеrе a great idea fоr itѕ diѕtinсt fасiаl сhаrасtеriѕtiсѕ аnd thе сrеаturе'ѕ roar is awesome, one оf the bеѕt еvеr рrоduсеd. Thiѕ mоviе ѕtаrѕ Arnold Sсhwаrzеnеggеr, Cаrl Wеаthеrѕ, Bill Dukе, Jesse Ventura, Riсhаrd Chаvеѕ, Eliрidi Cаrillо, Shаnе Black, and Sоnnу Lаndhаm аnd thеу are аll bеliеvаblе in thеir rоlеѕ and еvеn аdd to thе humоr thаt thiѕ mоviе hаѕ. This iѕ оbviоuѕlу the best оf thе Prеdаtоr mоviеѕ аnd ѕtill оnе оf thе mоѕt highlу likеd thrillеrѕ tоdау. And lеt'ѕ аll ѕhоw respect for Kevin Peter Hаll, whо diеd a уеаr аftеr hе hаd made Predator 2.

I always loved this movie and Conan The Barbarian (which I oddly just wrote about on my page today) as a kid. Followed.

Thanks for the post.
I am very curious about the sequel coming out this year.
Shane Black is a great writer and director.

Excellent movie @movieperminute. This in my collection with Predators. Did you know that the actor who plays the predator is the same helicopter pilot at the end of the film? His name is Kevin Peter Hall and his height is 2.2 meters and died of AIDS shortly after.

I invite you to my blog, I also publish movies. Regards!..

It is one of my favorite films of all time, and has immortal phrases like: "if it bleeds we can kill it"