Ghost of the victim

in #film7 years ago

I have arrived, I will be fine reassure, I have grown up and I can rely on myself .. Well .. As you want .. I love you Mom.

Julia closed the phone and sat on the seat and closed her eyes and began to remember .. A
month ago she met a friend who was working as a secretary to a businessman and told her that she wanted to leave the job to travel abroad and asked her to take her place at work. Julia told her to consult Her mother lives in a village on the outskirts of the city and her mother will probably not accept her work.

After taking her mother's approval, Julia went to work for her friend's place, and then settled temporarily, and her friend took it upon herself to secure suitable accommodation for her.

Now she is inside her new apartment not far from her workplace. The first thing she did was contact her mother and reassure her.

She smiled. She felt that everything went smoothly with her. The opportunity to work, her mother's approval, the proper accommodation, did not know that fate was hiding for her events that would be forgotten by this smile.

I got up from the seat and the first thing I decided to do was to explore the apartment. The apartment was a lounge with a sofa, two chairs, a small table, a TV and a relatively large balcony overlooking the backyard of the opposite architecture. The hall on its western side led to a bedroom and a bathroom. The other is the kitchen .. that's enough .. so Julia thought, what does a man want to live alone more than this!

She entered the bedroom and felt a strange sensation since she put her feet in the room, stood for a moment wondering why this feeling, the color of the curtains or bed sheets or what? She could not identify, ignored this feeling and began to arrange her clothes in the closet and then sat in the hall, sipping a cup of coffee she had made for herself.

The evening was resolved quickly and with its solution, Julia sensed the brutality. This is her first day in the apartment alone, away from her mother and her brothers. "But I will get used to it." So it happened, and in order to overcome this feeling, the television opened and became aimless between the stations. After a while I felt tired. She went to sleep and as soon as she entered the room she came back with that mysterious feeling, but she ignored it, turned back and slept in bed.

After a few minutes she slept, but suddenly woke up to the sound of light steps in her room. She gathered her strength and raised her head and looked around the room. She did not see anyone, and she noticed that she had forgotten the window and the air was playing in the curtains. She went up and closed the window and went back to her bed. She was over three in the morning, so she lay still thinking about the sound that made her wake up and suggested that it was the result of moving the air into the curtains. She could hardly sleep again.

I woke up in the morning and recalled what happened to her last night and mocked herself, she did not know she was so cowardly.

And then she went to bed, and took out a book to call him to sleep .. But suddenly between the vigilance and sleep heard the voice of a woman called Ttosl:

Areehini .. Save me .. I'm suffering !!

Julia woke up and she did not know whether she was dreaming or not .. She got up and ignited the light of the room and looked at her eyes did not see anyone, I entered the bathroom and washed her face and when she returned to her bed came back that mysterious feeling that comes as she entered the room and stood contemplating the bed .. Curtains .. Treasury .. .. But a moment .. What is this ?!

Suddenly I noticed the painting hanging on the wall, I looked at it as if it were the first time. The painting was for a woman wearing a red dress and sitting on a long back seat looking out of the window at something. Julia felt there was something dislocated in the painting, The dress who sees her at first glance thinks of the dress, but extends out of it randomly, checked her eyes more, stretched out her hand to touch her and as she did until she staggered back.

I have discovered that this spot is only blood .. Dry blood, but what comes with blood on the plate hanging on the wall ?!
Julia wondered as she went around the room like crazy.

It took me a long time to get back to sleep after all the events.

She woke up in the morning and tried not to think about the night before. Today, after the end of the day, she would go to her mother and her brothers to spend the holiday with them. So she decided to throw everything behind her back and enjoy her vacation. She spent a good time with her family.

When she came back on the stairs, a 40-year-old woman was coming out of the apartment directly under her apartment. She greeted her and continued to climb the stairs, but the woman stopped her and said
, "You're brave!"

  • Bravery !! .. did not ?
  • Brave because you rented the apartment despite its bad reputation.
  • Any reputation? Is this apartment a bad reputation !!!
  • You speak as if you do not have knowledge, first you know that this apartment was a murder ?? !!

Julia was shocked when she heard what the woman said with all sincerity and astonishment. "
No, I did not know, in fact I'm not the one who rented the apartment and ... excuse me, madam, I want to go home, I'm tired.

Julia finished the stairs at a stumbling pace and grabbed the key with trembling fingers and entered and then closed the door behind her, stood looking around the apartment with a different look .. Look and is aware that one day committed murder in this place !!

Only now could she explain the presence of the bloodstain on the painting, but this interpretation led her to a more horrifying interpretation that the murder certainly occurred in the bedroom, which also explains why she constricted herself whenever she entered the room.

I sat on the couch collapsed and I thought .. What will you do now after you know the truth .. Will you leave home? But she has signed a contract for six months .. And then she does not have the money and time to look for another house; it is still at the beginning of its work, and does not want to be noted by the Director's concern about work in other things, as well as a sense of urgency within them forcing them to stay here ..

So I decided to stay and wait for the days that will result from events, did not know that this decision was moving towards the end at a rapid pace ..

Julia spent the evening contemplating the crime, until she tired and surrendered to sleep .. Do not know how long it was asleep but suddenly felt that she was awakened and can not movement and not open her eyes, she was only hearing the voice of a woman calls her begging:
Erhini .. Save me .. I I suffer.

I felt a cold hand like snow touching her face, and almost felt it until I stood up and gasping for fear, I stayed on this situation for several minutes until she regained composure and turned to the key of light and lit it, flooded the room light and I was a little tired and then signed her eyes on that painting, I turned towards her and turned her to the other side and went back to her bed feeling her face, she was still feeling the cold hand she touched.

She asked herself what was happening to her. Was it a dream?
Since she came to this apartment and she does not enjoy sleeping, the annoying nightmares haunt her, but what she felt was not a nightmare and if it was not a nightmare it was ... but no ... she did not allow herself to think further.

She forced herself to think about something else. For example, if she could provide the salary she would receive in a few months, she could rent a larger house and bring her family. Here, life is better for her brothers and their future, her mother will convince her, but not now. She has to find a logical explanation for what is happening with her, and once again she thinks of the voice that I heard and the cold hand placed on her face.

She did not know when she could sleep again, but she woke up to the sound of the alarm clock announcing the start of a new day.

When she returned from work she decided to go visit her neighbor downstairs; she wanted to know more about this murder.

I stood in front of the door of the apartment and his apartment, I heard steps approaching quietly after the opening of the door and looked behind the neighbor with its rugged manliness and her face with a narrow-eyed narrow and narrow lips strict ..

The woman, who was called "Dora", welcomed Julia and said to her: "
If you want to know the details of the crime!"
" she said
. "It sounds like you're starting to be scared

  • no, but it's just curious
  • but curiosity often takes a terrible toll on its owner.
  • Do you understand that you do not want to tell me anything?
  • Not at all .. I have no objection.

And put her cup aside and moderated in her session and began to narrate her information about the crime:

This happened about five months ago, when a young girl in her twenties came to live in the apartment. She was full of life, fun and loving everyone. She never seemed to have a problem, but in the latter part of her life she seemed to be distracted. Sometimes when I was greeted she did not reply because she was an outsider, I thought that the reason was certainly pressures at work or the like, I never thought that the poor would be killed .. Oh my God ..

I looked at Julia with her eyes and when I found her I finished:

I did not see her on the stairs anymore. At first I did not care about this, but the question of her boyfriend made me worried. Every day I went up to her apartment and knocked on the door, but there was no answer until that day when I had a strange smell coming from her house. I woke up and remembered her concern recently, so I packed my order and called the police. When they came, they confirmed my doubts and smashed the door and found the poor girl killed in her bedroom with a knife in her heart.

Julia spoke for the first time and she felt her neck:

  • My God, it's a terrible crime
  • actually .. sometimes I think if I did not know this girl, it was wonderful to see the beauty of poems and poems, who thought that beautiful face will end with that atrocity !! Oh, I do not know .. I do not know
  • it's worth .. And what was the opinion of the police what happened?
  • The police investigation yielded little. They knew that the victim came from a nearby town to live here and that she was working in a women's clothing shop and was an orphan. She had only one aunt in a distant city. At first her boyfriend was suspected of being the only person close to her, He said that she complained to her that there were those who did not like her and sent her strange letters. He said that he asked her to tell the police but she did not agree because she denied them, did not take the subject seriously, and the police searched the apartment but found no Letters, and after the investigation is under The case against unknown.

Since then, everyone knows that the apartment has been a murder away from them and so remained uninhabited until I came to live in it, so I said you are brave.

Julia did not want to go into the details of renting the house so she said to the woman:

  • Where did you learn all these details?
  • The policemen themselves investigated me and called me to testify in court.
    Julia got up and thanked the good woman and on her way out she turned and said:
  • True .. What is the name of the victim?
  • Is it possible that I forgot to mention her name? !!
    Lucy is Stuart

Julia went to her house and her head full of ideas, ate her dinner, then went to her bed and wanted to sleep but could not, the crime began to appear to her and vainly tried to keep her thoughts on Lucy poor but all her attempts failed, she wondered .. Who killed her, and why? .. without feeling covered in sleep and even her dreams were not delivered from the ghost of Lucy ..

In the morning and during her descent to her work Julia encountered her neighbor Dora, and after the salute asked her Dora:

  • Mali see you pale face ?!
  • In fact I did not sleep well yesterday
  • may I know why !!
  • Because of the crime
  • Hahaha .. Did you faint to the point of not sleeping? !!
  • No, it is not so, but the specter of the victim haunts me since I came to this apartment. The

attention and the surprise began to appear on the face of Dora and she said:

  • What do you mean? !!!
  • I mean ..

I looked at her watch and she said later .. I will not tell you everything .. But now I'm late for work .. excuse me.
She walked quickly, leaving her neighbor at a loss.

In the evening, while some important papers were back at work, she rang the doorbell and when she opened it, her neighbor saw her with a cheerful smile: "
Can I get in?"

  • Of course

They sat in the hall and after a short silence I spoke to Dora: "
Actually, I'm still thinking about your words this morning

  • Yes .. I want to know more details if you allow, it has affected my interest.
  • I really do not know what to tell you ..

Since I came to this apartment and strange things haunt me .. even before I know that there was a murder occurred here.
And I took a look at what happened with her events and ended her words saying:

  • And so I felt that Lucy .. I mean her spirit wants to tell me something ..
  • with you right .. This on the grounds that what happened with you was not pure illusions.
    said : - I told you that these things happened to me before I knew anything about Lucy and her death, why do not you believe me? !!!
    I do not mean to save
    you - if you believe me. .
  • Yes
  • thanks .. I need someone who believes me.
  • I not only believe you, but I can help too.
  • How ??
  • Do you believe in the preparation of spirits?
  • I actually heard about him, but I do not know how true he is
  • I mean, you do not believe ... Haha, but I believe in him, often dead wants to deliver a message to his family and this is by evoking his soul, and if I want to have a friend and a spiritual intermediary can be brought here to evoke the spirit of Lucy and know what you want.
  • The approval .. It is not useful not harm.
  • Well, I'll talk to her tomorrow and we'll agree on her date.
  • We agreed .

Dora returned to her apartment, leaving Julia in a whirlwind of strenuous thinking about what could happen in the coming days.

When she returned from work the next day, she came across a role that she had initiated. "
I spoke to my girlfriend and she has no objection but now she is visiting a relative in the neighboring town and she will not be back a week ago.

  • a week !!! , Julia shouted.
    She was in a hurry, but she succumbed to the fait accompli and went up to her apartment dragging her feet on.

In the evening I spoke to her mother and told her that she could not come to them this holiday because of the pressure of work and promised to come the next holiday. Julia did not want to bother her mother with what was happening with her so I decided to stay and wait for the arrival of this spiritual medium.

In the middle of the night Julia suddenly woke up to a voice that was calling for urgency: the
bed .. The bed was
changed in her session and she was thinking .. Was she dreaming or what !! .. Then what does the word bed .. Is it meant is the bed you sleep on or another bed !!

She danced in her bed and dipped her head in the pillow and did not know how he managed to sleep attacking her again ..

Julia spent two days and she could not keep Lucy away from her thoughts. So on the day of the holiday I went down to the street, she had not planned where to go, her only concern was to relax her nerves, so I walked between the alleys and the roads aimlessly, They enjoyed watching their children playing and jumping.

Then she went into a coffee shop and asked herself a cup of coffee and then wandered between shops and shops and brought her mother a beautiful Shala and her brothers some simple gifts ..
She was happy .. I felt a kind of satisfaction and reassurance .. And peace.

She returned to her house in the evening and when she put her feet in it until any reassurance or peace she had felt faded away, and their place replaced the pessimism, fear and fear of the next.

She sat down on the couch and closed her eyes and went back to thinking about Pelosi. What did she want from her? Why did her ghost appear? Who killed her? What did you mean by the word bed? The bed. I hesitated, unconsciously, until she hit her forehead with her hand. She stood up and spoke aloud:

How did not I understand? !! She is definitely referring to the bed I sleep on, the bed she once had, I must examine.

She went out to her room and went to bed, stripped off the covers, and took a nap of pillows and bedding. Then she threw them aside and her back was empty.

She stood like a madwoman, panting with emotion, saying, What should I do? This is the bed, there is nothing, but a moment .. A strange idea occurred in her mind immediately carried out, grabbed the two ends of the bed and turned his heart and find something carefully fixed adhesive tape on the wood bed interior, stood shocked in front of what she saw and her chest rises and falls from the intensity Fatigue and emotion, and finally dared and extended her hand towards that thing, which I knew when I checked the fact that it was a piece of paper.

I went to the lounge and sat on the couch with trembling fingers. I opened the envelope and found a number of letters attached to a thread and a small notebook. I put the messages aside and opened the notebook. She read ...

My name is Lucy Stewart has been submitted to this city in search of a better life ..
Thank God I found a job at the clothing store was accompanied by a cute woman ..
. . .
Oh .. I met today on a handsome young man .. It seems that I Soqa in love ..
. . .
Love a beautiful thing, it makes you feel grateful to the extent that all of these and given you happiness ..
. . .
Today something strange happened to me. I found a strange and funny message under my door. I do not know who is trying to joke with me.
. . .
I do not know how long this farce will continue. I am tired of these messages. My friend advised me to tell the police, but I do not think so. I do not expect it to be serious, and I do not like the security men since they took me to the police station. I was innocent and oppressed at the time.
. . .
Oh, the message has changed and it has become a clear threat, what should I do !!!
My friend went to visit his grandmother and will not be back a week ago .. I feel lost without him.
. . .
I'm afraid .. I feel that I'm watching .. I do not know Did I have to tell the police? But the owner of the messages threatened me if I told them to spend directly ..
. . .
I decided to put this book and the package of letters in a circumstance and stick it to the bed on the inner wood of him .. If something happened to me perhaps led to these messages to the actor ..
Let me tell the police .. tomorrow I must tell them.

Julia finished reading the notebook, grabbed the messages and broke the thread that was tied around her. Five letters were read in order.

The first letter
, with blond hair, feel happy? !!!

The second message
Do not be afraid to leave you happy? !!!

The third letter
If you do not execute my words, you will surely regret.

The fourth letter:
Go to this apartment, otherwise, do not tell the police. I am watching you, and the moment you enter the section will be the last moment in your life.

The fifth letter
I see you are determined to stay .. Well I have been excused from warning.

Julia finished reading the messages and felt she had signed an important discovery. She stood confused, unsure of what to do, then decided to consult her neighbor and discuss with her the next step.
So I took the letters and the notebook and went to Dora.

She welcomed the role and signs of surprise on her face but Julia did not let this surprise continue, as I sat until I started by saying:

  • Dora has solved the mystery
  • any mystery?
  • The speech that Lucy wants to convey to me and the anonymous messages and ..
  • Wait I do not understand anything, explain everything to me calmly.

Julia explained to her all that had happened to her. She told her about the letters and notes. She said, "
I think we no longer need the spiritual medium. Everything is clear
. You're right. You're smart Julia. I thought he was lying until the charge was removed from himself, especially after the police searched the house for the messages and found nothing.

  • It was a clever idea of ​​Lucy's hiding place.
    "I do not really think about it."
    They both silenced each other with their thoughts, but Julia cut off the silence. "
    What should we do now?"
  • Of course we have to inform the police, this is important evidence may require reopening the investigation.
  • I also thought the same thing.
  • If you go to sleep now and tomorrow we will go together to the police, I know the investigator who took the case.
  • We agreed ... our date tomorrow morning

Julia got up and took the letters and the notebook and went up to her house ...

She entered the house and felt that it was a burden to get out of her hands after she found what Lucy wanted.
She entered her room and decided to arrange the mess she had made. She changed the inverted bed and returned the bedding, pillows and blankets. She felt tired, so she got into bed and pulled the blankets over her and felt a strong desire to sleep. Sleep without ghosts and nightmares. She only minutes until she went into a deep sleep ...

Hours went by and Julia was so sleepy that she did not feel the feet that went up to the balcony or the hands that were playing with the porch door until they opened it.

It was dark in the hall, but whoever came in knew his way well, so he walked confidently into the bedroom and managed the knob and entered and headed for Julia, who suddenly woke up to the sound of his movement in the room. Julia opened her eyes to their power of surprise. !

It was only a role ...

She stood at the bed with her hands in her hands with gloves and a sharp knife. She
said, and the sparks flew out of her eyes: "
Yes, I am you.

  • but why ??!!
  • although I do not have to tell you, but it is okay .. I will ask you this security because it will be the last curious question for you in life ..
    I killed Lucy .. Why ask ?? Because
    she is a young woman with the same optimism about life and I am starting to walk towards old age ..
    I can not bear to see her every day inside and out of her house and the signs of love are visible on her face ... Why is she falling? The men in love and I can not raise the attention of one of them .. Why was written to live a lonely pariah does not come close to me, and wherever I go Crouch necks towards it ..

I did not trust her anymore, but I did not want to kill her at the beginning. So I sent threatening letters to her, but the stupid one did not care about her, and I started to get more and more daily fire until she extinguished her vision.

She laughed hysterically. Julia tried to move, but Dora jumped up and tightened her hair, saying, "
Do not try to escape or scream. You can not escape me.
Tell me what is my fault to create a dame and be ridiculed since I was little. ?
I do not have the right to play with children .. To become young and fall in love like the rest of the girls .. To marry and become a family .. I have
always hated beautiful since I was a girl .. I remember once wounded the face of one of the beautiful students glass window broken, The blood flowing from her beautiful face, then I knew that I want to see this scene repeated with all the beauties ..
Once poured on the face of one of them Asida and fled, did not see me .. I loved this game and repeated again and again .. But I was afraid to clear my order and stopped ..

But with Lucy was my first experience in the killing, her explosive beauty prompted me to kill her, how much I enjoy when I remember the looks of terror in her face and try to escape from me and catch her as catch the fugitive sheep of the herd ..
And you .. You put your position in front of me .. Why interfered in what does not concern you .. Why ??

I tried to gain your trust and fabricated the story of the spiritual middleman until I kept you under my control, and I was able to find the messages that I searched for long and to no avail, how naive you are and good hearted and ... Curious.

She returned to the laughter took advantage of Julia it and paid her and tried to run out of the room but the role was able Bbenitha coarse that stuck out, cried Julia , saying:

  • Let me , O crazy .. Avoid Me
  • must Tamota .. must Askatk forever so do not Tthre me trouble. .

Why I stayed in the apartment .. I Hdhirtk of the consequences of curiosity , but you did not Tstmaa my words .. and now must Tlhaka bluesy and plunged the knife to Julia that moved away at the right time , but it was hit Bktefha fell to the ground and tried to crawl away from the role but hard .. it
has inflicted Dora stabbed in her heart, then Julia was blown up and then the silence of the dead ...

She looked up at Julia and said, smiling triumphantly: "I did not want to kill you but you pushed me to that.

She wiped the knife with her clothes and looked for the letters and the notebook. She found them in the lounge on the table, took them and went to the exit door, put her ear at the door, did not hear a sound, opened it calmly and went out and closed it carefully and went down to her house and entered and closed the door as if nothing had happened.

She was not dead yet, so once Dora left the house she crawled with all her strength and consciousness to her phone and called the emergency and told them before losing consciousness:
..Anaaaa Amooot .. You .. She killed me a role as you killed Lucy .. And gave them the address of her residence, and it is exhausting the intensity of pain .. Then the phone fell from her hand .. And closed her eyes forever ..
