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RE: Holocaust lesson in Germany - What do we teach our kids at school?

in #film7 years ago (edited)

Please teach the Kids just one thing : there is no such thing aw the good state. Democracy will Not protect us from a 2nd holocaust


If you have a true Democracy it will protect everyone. Unfortunately there is not such a thing in Europe...
They pretend Democracy by letting people "Democratically" choose the people who are already chosen by banksters - nazis to do there work.
They use "Democracy" as a tool to keep the masses from not revolt since they have the right to choose who they think is the best for them, but in reality they just change who will take charge on a predefined plan.
People start realize that all this finally works against them and just before they revolt, again a new leader appears and the cycle continues.
The system starts blaming democracy about the problems of people and takes that as an excuse to impose more undemocratic and inhuman measures.
People must learn how really democracy works and stop voting as a hobby but as a true meaning for there future.
But... they need a true education and access to information.

Sure @amadeus true democracy comes from participation. Voting is a strong tool of democracy, but not remotely close enough to prevent a dictatorship. Participation to the political debate (not only online) and joining grass-root movements that allow every citizen's voice to be heard in a forum/square/meet up etc. That is what keep us alive and in charge of our own future. Direct democracy is possible and can and must run parallel to representative democracy.

There are enough nazi movies, and the "Zeitzeugen" are taped very well on this Channel:
Gedächtnis der Nation

I think there should rather be a movie about the Bellamy salute


and the US Japanese Internement Camps during WW2

Yeah, for "true" democracy se just need the "right " politicians"and "right" people.

Hi @felix.herrmann , thank you for your comment.

That is very true. That's why I want to take a closer look at what is happening in our educational system. The teachers are seriously struggling to get the topic across and the parents are not feeling responsible for informing their children. Not about the general historic events and also not about their own family's history. It is a very complex topic. I started filming 4 years ago. The political situation was immensely different at that time. And the kid's sensitivities and curiosities shifted together with the political climate.

Which experience did you make, Felix?


Do you think it is a good idea to teach kids about a System of force and violence (concentration camp) when they are in School BECAUSE they are FORCED to go?

Well @felix.herrmann, although we don't overtly try to draw a parallel between the school and the camp, we are making some cheeky transition between one and the other in the edit. One teacher in the film is himself getting this point across. He says that teachers are making a ranking of the 'most shocking concentration camps' to establish where to take the kids and 'maximise the emotional impact' on them. He says this is a 'nazi' way of thinking.

Struggling to get the topic across?

They teach that shit in every fucking class. Merkel throwing our German flag away and being proud to be German = Nazi.

Germany is completely brainwashed.

Hey @valorforfreedom yes I don't think it's healthy for Germans to feel ashamed and guilty all the way - for example during the World Cup 2014 I remember that waving the German flags became such a big deal! Last time Germans felt that way - after the Versailles treaties - it did not end up well.

the smallest minority in society is the individual.